2021 Round 1 Small Grants Recipients Announced

Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for our Round 1 Small Grants for 2021.

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Collections & Stories now has Storytellers

Recently we advertised for Storytellers to work with us on the Collections and Stories Project. Though we set out to find four Storytellers we ended up with six! We are delighted to welcome and introduce each of our Storytellers.

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Welcome Ashleigh Reardon

We are delighted to welcome Ashleigh Reardon to the M&G NSW team as our Exhibitions Coordinator. 

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Welcome Gary Crockett

Gary joins us as the Project Officer across all facets of the Collections and Stories project.

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National Exhibition Register: new tours available!

Looking for something new and exciting to fill in a newly made gap in your schedule? Or just looking to create new options for your audiences? Now is a great time to see if there’s a new and exciting tour available on the National Exhibition Register.

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M&G NSW says farewell to Vanessa Low

We recently said farewell to Vanessa Low,  our Communications Coordinator.

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New M&G NSW Website Launches

Since late 2020, we have been working on a new design for the website. New features include increased visuals, more accessible text, and an easy-to-use dropdown menu.

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Interview with Rachel Arndt, Gallery Programs & Touring Exhibitions Manager (2010-2021)

During her tenure, Rachel has produced over 40 touring exhibitions, bringing the works of hundreds of contemporary artists to millions across Australia. We asked Rachel to reflect on the past 11 years before she departs for her new chapter.

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Six Regional NSW Hubs Funded to bring Collections to Life

Six regional areas across the State will have their collections digitally brought to life with funding, made available under the NSW Government’s Regional Cultural Fund.

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Gallery Grants – now open

Museums & Galleries of NSW gallery grants are now open to NSW public galleries. Funding is available for newly developed exhibitions through the Dobell Exhibition Grant and support for audience engagement activities is offered through the Audience Development Fund.

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2020 Project Development and Small Grants Recipients Announced

M&G NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for our Project Development Grants and the second round of the Volunteer Museum Small Grants for 2020.

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Welcome message from our new CEO – Brett Adlington

An introductory welcome message from our incoming CEO, Brett Adlington.

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Fellowship, Mentorship and Volunteer Placement Program – now open

Travel and professional development opportunities for people who work or volunteer in the small-to-medium museums and galleries.

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M&G NSW’s Let’s Get Digital project receives funding from Create NSW

M&G NSW is pleased to announce that we have received funding from Create NSW, as part of their Arts Restart scheme, to undertake a new project: Let’s Get Digital. The project will fund 15 new digital projects at museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres across NSW.

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Arlo Mountford Deep Revolt – Last Chance to See

Don’t miss the unique and intriguing Arlo Mountford Deep Revolt before we bid farewell to its national tour on 5 February 2021. The exhibition showcases 15 years of Mountford’s practice with large-scale video installations, kinetic sculptures and animations and travelled to six venues across Australia.

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Brett Adlington to be Museums & Galleries of NSW new CEO

The board of Museums & Galleries of NSW is pleased to announce the appointment of Brett Adlington as the Chief Executive Officer of M&G NSW.

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Audience Development Fund recipients for 2020

We are pleased to announce the funding of five projects targeting and developing new audiences, through the Audience Development Fund.

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Dobell Exhibition Grant recipient announced for 2021

We are pleased to announce Maitland Regional Art Gallery (MRAG) as the recipient of the Dobell Exhibition Grant for 2021 for their proposed exhibition Shadow Boxer.

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M&G NSW Bids Farewell to Michael Rolfe and Tamara Lavrencic

With a combined tenure of 18 years at Museums & Galleries of NSW, Michael Rolfe and Tamara Lavrencic have shaped Museums & Galleries of NSW. We thank them both for their immense contributions to our organisation and to the arts sector across NSW and beyond.

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Welcome Marian Simpson

We are very pleased to welcome Marian Simpson to the M&G NSW team! Marian will be working as Gallery Programs and Touring Exhibitions Coordinator whilst Olivia Welch is on maternity leave.

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