University Museums and Collections Conference 2020 – Call for Papers

The University of Sydney’s new Chau Chak Wing Museum will host the 20th annual UMAC conference.

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New Italy Museum facing bushfire threat

We would like to pay tribute to the amazing work being done by the New Italy Museum who are bravely facing the threat of bushfire.

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4A Curators’ Intensive – 2020

4A Curators’ Intensive is an initiative developed by 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art to encourage professional advancement amongst early career Australian cultural practitioners with an interest in curatorial practice.

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2019 Audience Development Fund recipients announced

We are pleased to announce the funding of five projects targeting and developing new audiences, through the Audience Development Fund.

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Community Heritage Grants 2019 announced

A large number of museums and galleries in NSW have been successful in this year's Community Heritage Grants.

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Multi-Year Arts funding changes launched

Create NSW has released new guidelines for multi-year funding to make it simpler for a wider range of independent arts and cultural organisations to apply.

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Reviving the river system through ceremony

An ambitious project to reinvigorate Aboriginal ceremony and bring attention to the state of the Darling River, recently led to a series of corroborees across the north west of the state.

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Local Government NSW votes to support the development of a museum strategy for NSW

A motion to devise a museum strategy for NSW at the Local Government NSW Annual Conference received overwhelming support.

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Computer workstations giveaway

Museums & Galleries of NSW has ten desktop computers to give away.

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Soft Core tour wraps up

Completing a three-year journey, the Soft Core exhibition tour comes to an end.

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The Museum & Gallery Building Improvement Program now open

Does your museum or gallery building work for you?  Do you think your building’s ability to store and care for your collection could be improved?  Or maybe your building requires improved visitor access or environmental sustainability?

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Boost your organisation’s Governance practice

The Australia Council Arts Governance Program delivers workshops around Australia to assist organisations and boards to build their governance practices through a program tailored specifically to the arts.

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Furniture needed for new museum

Fort Street High School is seeking donations of furniture for their new museum.

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Expression of Interest – Design & Construction of Central Tablelands Collection Facility

Bathurst Regional Council is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations to undertake the design, documentation and construction of the Central Tablelands Collections Facility at Bathurst.

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ACHAA Delegates Gather in Armidale for 2019 Conference

On 12-13 September, Aboriginal cultural venue managers, staff and board members gathered in Armidale for the annual NSW Aboriginal Culture, Heritage & Arts Association (ACHAA) regional conference.

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Highlights of Cultural Mediation in Practice workshop

Video documentation of the Cultural Mediation in Practice workshop, recently held at Artspace, Sydney, 26 August 2019.

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Communicating the Arts conference – Special offer 2 for 1

Museums & Galleries of NSW has negotiated a special offer for small to medium-sized galleries and museums to purchase 2 registrations for the price of 1.

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New appointments to Cultural Institution Boards

Minister for the Arts Don Harwin has confirmed Lucy Turnbull AO and Professor Larissa Behrendt as new appointments to the Boards of the Art Gallery of New South Wales and Australian Museum respectively.

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Moving Histories // Future Projections – tour wraps up

Moving Histories // Future Projections has opened at its final touring destination, Grafton Regional Gallery.

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Inaugural Frank Van Straten Fellowship announced

Arts Centre Melbourne has just announced the inaugural Frank Van Straten Fellowship which is open to people across Australia.

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