Expressions of Interest – The Parachute Ground, Lilyfield – vacant space

Create NSW is calling for expressions of interest (EOI) from eligible arts and cultural organisations to occupy up to 305m2 of storage space at The Parachute Ground, Lilyfield, until 31 December 2020.

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NSW fires update – Impact on Museums and Galleries

M&G NSW staff have been busy offering support and advice to museums and galleries impacted by bushfires.

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Bushfires, a shared experience

We spoke with Deborah Ely, from Bundanon Trust, and Ray Christison, from the Lithgow State Mine Heritage Park, about their respective experiences with the bushfires and what they learnt as a result.

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Standards Call Out 2020

This program helps small to medium museums manage their organisations, engage with the community and care for their collections.

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2019 Project Development and Small Grants Recipients Announced

M&G NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for our Project Development Grants and the second round of the Volunteer Museum Small Grants for 2019.

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Regional Stakeholder Forum 2019 – Online

Video documentation of the 2019 Regional Stakeholder Forum.

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Moreau Kusunoki and Genton announced as designers of the new Powerhouse Parramatta

Following an international design competition with submissions from 74 team, the design collaborators Moreau Kusunoki and Genton received unanimous praise for their bold vision of criss-crossed lines and expansive light-filled spaces.

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Void exhibition tour launches in Bathurst

The national tour of Void, curated by Emily McDaniel, began at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery with an Education Symposium and an evening event.

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Chris Keely appointed Create NSW Executive Director

Chris Keely is a former media and commercial lawyer with over 20 years’ experience spanning arts and cultural policy and television.

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$7 Million funding for Arts and Culture announced

Round 1 of the Create NSW 2019/20 Arts and Cultural Funding Program has been announced, with nearly $7.2 million in funding across Annual Organisation, Project and Creative Koori Projects categories.

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Dobell Exhibition Grant recipient announced for 2020

We are pleased to announce Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA) as the recipient of the Dobell Exhibition Grant for 2020 for their proposed exhibition Notes from the Field.

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Revised Boards announced for NSW Cultural Institutions

Minister for the Arts Don Harwin has confirmed nine new appointments and nine reappointments set to take effect from 2020 across NSW State Cultural Institutions.

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2019 IMAGinE Awards – album

Photos from the 2019 IMAGinE awards night, hosted at the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences

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LGNSW Museum Managers meet

Last week we were pleased to partner with Local Government NSW (LGNSW) to host twenty local government employed museum managers for a biannual meeting.

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Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery rebrand and redevelopment

After months of redevelopment comes, MAC Museum of Art and Culture, Lake Macquarie – yapang

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Engaging Art Initiative Wraps Up

Successes and learnings from our Engaging Art Initiative, our pilot program trialling new models of audience engagement and support for regional galleries, helping them reach new audiences.

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Local Government Authorities Arts & Cultural Programs guidelines announced

Create NSW has announced new guidelines for the Local Government Authorities Arts & Cultural Programs for multi-year funding.

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Kaldor Public Art Projects: 50 Years, 35 Projects and brand new Digital Archive

Kaldor Public Art Projects launched its new Digital Archive, which includes 20,000 items, with a syposium at the Art Gallery of NSW.

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First Nations perspectives provide context at international art museum conference in Sydney

Representation and participation of First Nations cultures in art museums around the world was front and centre at the CIMAM conference.

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David Griggs tour comes to an end

We say goodbye to our national tour of David Griggs: BETWEEN NATURE AND SIN.

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