Verge Gallery appoints a new director

The University of Sydney Union has announced Tesha Malott as the new director of Verge Gallery. Tesha Malott is an arts professional...

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Free display cabinets

The Art Gallery of NSW has a number of well-made wooden cabinets that are no longer needed and are...

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The Collection Environment

In 2008 a Commonwealth project, involving multiple national collecting institutions, prepared the report Protecting Collections & Saving the Earth. The...

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Standards 2018

As the Standards Program for kicks off for 2018 we thought we would provide an update on the 2018 program...

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Art Keepers Project

Public programs can be more than a one-off event related to a current exhibition, they can also take the form...

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Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture Awards

The Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture Award celebrates outstanding achievement by local government organisations in strategic planning for arts...

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Myall Creek and beyond exhibition to commemorate 180th anniversary of massacre

The New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) is developing a major new exhibition that will open on Friday 8...

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Blaze: Working Women, Public Leaders

Blaze: Working Women, Public Leaders explores the stories of a selection of NSW women who were leaders and trailblazers...

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Strategic planning consultant wanted

Bathurst Regional Council is seeking a suitably qualified consultant or organisation to prepare a 10 year Strategic Plan for...

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International Museum Day 2018

The worldwide community of museums will celebrate International Museum Day on and around 18 May 2018. The theme chosen...

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Australia Council Arts Governance Program

Does your board know if it is doing a good job?How is it preparing for the future? What is its...

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Workplace Resilience

Developed by TAFE NSW Northern Sydney for the Creative Industries sectors in collaboration with ACFIPS, the NSW Creative Arts...

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Accessing the Digital

I recently had the chance to sit in on the Digital Access workshop held by Glam Peak in Newcastle....

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The National announces 2019 curators and exhibition dates

The curators for the second edition of The National: New Australian Art 2019 have been announced by the Art Gallery...

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Paddock to Plate

On a recent visit to Orange to open the Gavin Wilson curated Interiors exhibition at Orange Regional Gallery, I was...

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Nuclear Techniques for Cultural Heritage Workshop

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) have announced the Nuclear...

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Project Curator – Call Out

Critical Animals are calling out for a Project Curator to deliver their annual Critical Animals exhibition at The Lock-Up, as...

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MAAS Regional Program

The Museum of Applied Art & Sciences have announced their Regional Programs for 2018. The Regional Programs are designed to...

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Philanthropy – Expert Exchange

The second event from Create NSW in the Expert Exchange series is titled Philanthropy – more than the ask. Philanthropic support...

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Delegate toes – or freshly invigorated discussions about censorship……

One of the highlights of the Art & Artists Summit for me was listening to Courtney Johnston’s contribution to...

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