Access to Funding 2018

Successfully obtaining funds for your organisation requires knowledge and creativity. Access to Funding is a workshop delivering specialist knowledge to...

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A warm welcome to our newest team member

This week we welcome Dale Maxwell-Smith to the M&G NSW team. She replaces Jane Gillespie as our Program &...

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Public Galleries Summit – final program announced

With less than four weeks to go, the final program has been announced. A limited number of day tickets...

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Fellowship, Mentorship and Volunteer Placement Program – applications now open

The 2018 Fellowship, Mentorship and Volunteer Placement Program is now open and provides professional development opportunities for everybody, from paid...

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We farewell Jane Gillespie

This week we farewell Jane Gillespie, who has worked for four years as our Program and Events Coordinator. Jane has...

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Volunteer Museum Grants announced

The recipients of the 2017 Round Two Small Grant and Project Development funding have been finalised and we are happy...

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Engaging Art Delivers

As part of Engaging Art, our two year initiative to help galleries grow audiences for the contemporary visual arts, we...

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Audience Development Fund recipients announced

We are pleased to announce the funding of five projects targeting and developing new audiences, through the Audience Development Fund,...

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Living Centre for Living Cultures – a new report and conference

There was plenty to discuss among the 60 or so people who attended the two-day Living Centres for Living Cultures...

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Dobell Exhibition Grant recipient announced for 2018

The 2018 round of applications for the Dobell Exhibition Grant has been assessed and we are pleased to announce that Lismore...

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Meet the newest member of our team

On 18 September we welcomed Jordan Cavanough to the M&G NSW team. Jordan replaces Margot Stuart as the Museum...

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Farewell Margot Stuart

Last week we said farewell to Margot Stuart, who worked for just under four years as the Museum Programs and...

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Meet our newest team member

Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to welcome Imogen Dixon-Smith as the newest member of our team. Imogen...

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ArtChat 2017

Fast chats on hot topics! Please join us for wine and cheese as Museums & Galleries of NSW once...

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Congratulations to Volunteer Museum Small Grants recipients

Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to congratulate all the successful applicants in the first round of the Volunteer...

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The Museum & Gallery Building Improvement Program is open

Does your building work for your museum or gallery? Do you think there could be areas of improvement in terms...

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IMAGinE awards are open

Nominations for the IMAGinE awards are officially open! This is your opportunity to tell everyone about your achievements of the...

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Bayanihan Philippine Art Project

The Bayanihan Philippine Art Project is one of the most significant explorations of Filipino art ever presented in Australia....

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Farewell Madeleine Brady

This week we farewell Madeleine Brady who has for the past two years worked as our Gallery Programs and Touring...

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M&G NSW is on Instagram!

The M&G NSW Instagram account is offically up and running. We’ll be posting photos of our travels when we...

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