New horizons in technology, education and museums

Education has always been a primary goal of museums. Education is more than school excursions and worksheets with set...

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Throw out a lifeline today!

Cultural organisations often depend on much-needed donations to survive, and as the end of the financial year approaches it’s a...

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The future of the Powerhouse’s Regional Services

Museums Australia (MA) Chapter expresses concerns about Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS/Powerhouse Museum) continued support for rural and...

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Artists fees – a recent discussion

Recently I participated in a panel discussion about artist fees on Michael Cathcart’s Radio National program, Books and Arts Daily....

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The strange allure of medical museums

Of all the museum themes, those that deal with human suffering in all its manifestations have enduring popularity. Medical museums...

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At Home: Jim Stanley’s painted past

Jim Stanley’s paintings sing us a quiet song; a cradle song, with a calm and soothing refrain. Stanley, one of...

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Serving Country: Centenary & Beyond

NAIDOC, acronym for National Aboriginal Islander Day Observance Committee, or Day of Commemoration is an annual event which focuses our...

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Seeing new histories

Strange Histories at Fairfield City Museum & Gallery is one of a new breed of exhibition. Designed to provide a...

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From Bali to Mosman (via Paris)

Mosman Art Gallery’s current exhibitions take the visitor from Bali to Paris, Tangier and around Sydney. Watch the Exhibition Curators...

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CAN to close

Many will be aware that the Collections Australia Network (CAN) currently hosted by the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences...

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The future is 3D

Last night, in preparation for the 3D Symposium we are hosting with the Education Studio, Macquarie University M&G attended 3D...

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VIM victors

Congratulations to all of the museums who have been awarded funding in the first round of the VIM Grants Program...

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It’s a RAP and Review

Over the last few weeks here at M&G we’ve been finalising a couple of critical documents. Having successfully completed our...

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Mary Boulton Pioneer Cottage

Mary Boulton lived and worked in the Nambucca district all her life. Her grandfather, Thomas Boulton owned the first hotel...

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Energy Efficiency Information project – can you help?

As part of an energy efficiency information project for our sector, we are looking for a community or volunteer-run public...

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Industry ‘standards’ for NSW museums

Most large museums and galleries adhere to a set of management principles in order to be accountable, sustainable and...

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Tasty morsels from the MA conference

Recently M&G attended the Museums Australia conference in Launceston. Presentation topics reached far and wide and there were many great...

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National Touring Initiative finds People Like Us

Late last year Museums & Galleries of NSW, on behalf of NETS Australia (National Exhibition Touring Support), put out an...

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Museum and gallery programs dominate 2014 NSW Local Government Cultural Awards.

On May 26 & 27, as part of Sydney’s Vivid Festival, LGNSW organised their 2014 Cultural Awards & Summit. The...

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And the winner is . . .

On 17 May, as part of the Museums Australia Annual National Conference, the sector came together to celebrate the many...

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