Speaking of History Week

It’s not too early to start thinking about History Week. History Week has been an important date on the...

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Rear projection glass screens going cheap

The Biennale of Sydney has three toughened glass rear projection screens, with hanging brackets, for sale at a very...

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The defunding of the NETS Australia Network shocks public galleries nationally

NETS Australia is the national exhibition touring network for the presentation and promotion of contemporary art, craft and design to...

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Museums Australasia 2016

Museums Australasia 2016Facing the Future: Local, Global and Pacific Possibilities. The first joint conference of Museums Australia and Museums Aotearoa.Aotea...

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Interview – Paul Brinkman, Director, Blue Mountains Cultural Centre

Another in our series of interviews with regional and public gallery directors. We recently grabbed a moment with Paul Brinkman, Director,...

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What’s in a Biennale?

The Biennale of Sydney is back with a vengeance this year. If you haven’t been yet you are definitely...

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Photographic Workshops now available in regional NSW

The Australian Centre for Photography in partnership with Museums & Galleries of NSW presents ACP’s popular photographic workshops in local...

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Wollongong goes digital

Earlier this month museums in the Wollongong region launched a website, Wollongong Heritage and Stories. The website, which showcases...

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Confused about collecting?

People have been collecting things forever. It seems to satisfy an innate and powerful desire to hold onto objects that...

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SHOWCASE: Deborah Kelly

SHOWCASE highlights the work of the contemporary artists and curators we work with and whose work you will see in...

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LGNSW Arts and Culture Forum

It was a busy week for our relationship with Local Government NSW (LGNSW). Following the Museum Managers Roundtable, on...

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Museum Managers meet

Last week we were pleased to partner with Local Government NSW (LGNSW) to present the second NSW Local Government Museum...

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Exhibition furniture looking for a good home

The Biennale of Sydney have nine vitrines available for very reasonable prices. The vitrines are currently being used at...

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Interview – Brett Adlington, Director, Lismore Regional Gallery

Another in our series of interviews with regional and public gallery directors. We recently grabbed a moment with Brett Adlington,...

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International Museum Day 2016

Get your party hats ready. On 18 May 2016 the worldwide museum community will come together to celebrate International...

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The National: New Australian Art

Australian Perspecta was a biennial exhibition started by the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1981 to showcase Australian contemporary...

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Fakes, Mistakes and Discoveries

Everyone loves a good crime story—and stories about art fraud, theft or a master forger always make compelling reading. A...

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Heritage Week in the swing of things

Did you know its Australian Heritage Week? An initiative of the Australian Government to coincide with UNESCO’s International Day for...

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Imagine a city

Last week, while visiting Biennale venues, we stopped off at Imagine a City: 200 years of public architecture in...

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A night at the museum anyone?

Ever wondered what it would be like to spend a night in a museum? What really happens when the doors...

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