Standards are back in 2024

We are excited to be back with an updated Standards Program in 2024. We’ve refined our program to align with the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries 2.0.

This year we will be running the program in the Northern Rivers. Participating museums include:

The Standards Review Program is a nine month program M&G NSW runs annually. It helps museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres benchmark themselves against the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries. Participants are given access to expert advice and mentorship from our specially appointed Standards Reviewers.

The program is designed especially for small to medium museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres. It allows organisations to appreciate the work they and their volunteers have achieved as well as assisting them in raising their profile and providing guidance for the future of their organisation.

Visit the Standards Program section of our website to find out more.

The Standards Program is funded by the NSW Government through Create NSW

Image: from top left Alumny Creek School Museum, Iluka Museum, Ballina District Museum, Evans Head Living Museum

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