When you next visit the Storyplace website, take some time to read through our latest stories, among which are fifty stories from Museums Bathurst hub and spoke network. This includes stories from Chifley Home, Bathurst Rail Museum, National Motor Racing Museum, Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, Bathurst Regional Council Civic Collection, Bathurst District Historical Society, Rockley Mill and Stables Museum, Bathurst Agricultural Research Station and Bathurst Regional Gallery
We extend our thanks to Museums Bathurst staff and the dedicated museum volunteers we’ve had the pleasure to work with to bring Bathurst stories to Storyplace. Our partnership stemmed from Museums Bathurst initiating its own digitisation program, and then partnering with M&G NSW to co-ordinate and administer the writing of object stories by Storyplace’s contract storytellers.
Since forming our partnership with Bathurst, we have also commenced working directly with other regional museums in ways tailored to suit each hub or spoke. This includes with Port Macquarie Museum, National Trust NSW (Saumarez Homestead) and Crawford House Museum at Alstonville, who are working directly with our Storyplace team to author and edit stories written by museum volunteers. We welcome interest from any regional museum, gallery or keeping place who has existing quality object images, or are planning to undertake object digitisation, and would like to publish object stories from your collection on Storyplace.
Please contact the Storyplace Project Manager by emailing kateg@mgnsw.org.au