How to promote an upcoming exhibition
Engaging Art
Opening night of Montages: The Full Cut 1999-2015 installed at Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre.
Publicity and PR is all about building a positive profile, raising awareness and – with regards to the museums and galleries sector – attracting visitors. It’s also good news for those on a budget; if you can convince the media your exhibition is worthwhile you’ll be getting the message out there for free.
This doesn’t mean advertising is redundant, however. A rule of thumb followed by Marketing and PR professionals is that a person is far more likely to act if they encounter a message seven times across different touchpoints, such as a newspaper article, a radio interview, a Facebook ad, an e-newsletter, posters displayed around town, an ad in a weekly newspaper and an event mention online.
We know it’s difficult to find time for proactive tasks, but a little goes a long way. Try some of the ideas in this resource in the lead up to opening day. If it suits your working style, add these pointers to your online calendar. It doesn’t matter at what point you’re reading this, there should be something you can take away and act on immediately.
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This resource was written by publicity consultant Patrizia Di Biase-Dyson as part of Museums & Galleries of NSW’s Engaging Art initiative.
Find out more about Engaging Art.
Engaging Art has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.