Digital Engagement: Connecting with your audience
A guide to Implementing a Digital Project
This guide is intended for anyone planning to use digital technologies to enhance the galley or museum experience and needing to engage external resources/contractors to do so.
A digital project is about audience and community engagement through the creation of interactive story- telling, immersive environments and broader transmedia experiences.
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This resource was written by Lazaros Kastanis, Director at Ortelia Interactive Services and was based on aworkshop delivered in partnership with Wezit France, and Museum & Galleries of NSW for understanding and using digital engagement tools in the museum, gallery and collections sector.
Contact Ortelia Interactive Services
This resource was written as part of Museums & Galleries of NSW’s Engaging Art initiative. Find out more about Engaging Art.
Engaging Art has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.