Concordia Gallery
Concordia Gallery is located on Stanmore road opposite Newington College. It is an exhibition space committed to showcasing emerging, established and international artists and explorative art education models. Concordia Gallery offers a range of artist in residency programs that provides unique opportunities for artists to engage with a well-resourced educational community.
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Newington Armory
Newington Armory is a heritage-listed former naval armaments depot that has been reborn as a unique arts venue. It offers the Armory Gallery, once a WWII explosives store, now transformed into a 500 sqm contemporary art gallery, and Building 20, a 19th Century gunpowder magazine, that presents site-specific installations and smaller exhibitions.
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Museum of Freemasonry
Discover a hidden universe. The hidden mysteries and secrets of Ancient Freemasonry. A collection spanning over 200 years and including the Archives, Museum, Gallery and Library of the Freemasons of Australia. All housed in a building considered the finest example of Brutalist Architecture in the Southern Hemisphere. There is a free audio app available for
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Namoi Echo Museum
Wee Waa’s Namoi Echo Museum has a comprehensive display of farm machinery, horse drawn vehicles, Aboriginal and geological artefacts. It has a saddlery, a blacksmiths shop and a restored children’s Merry-Go-Round. The Museum features a one room school house and a saw miller’s cottage. Both of these have been restored and they display a collection of
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Eugowra Historical Museum & Bushranger Centre
The Eugowra Museum and Bushranger Centre was opened by Cabonne Council Mayor John Farr on the 25 – 26 October 2003. And a new extension has recently been completed but is not yet open. This building was formerly a stock and station agent’s shop, but with government grants, gifts and lots of volunteer labour, it
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Historical Aircraft Restoration Society Inc (HARS)
We traverse Australia in search of aviation artefacts. We recover and where possible restore to flying condition, aircraft or types of aircraft that have played a significant part in Australian aviation history in both civil and military arenas. We work with over 70 licensed aircraft engineers to preserve these historic aircraft. Their licenses cover virtually
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Anzac Memorial Hyde Park
The Anzac Memorial was created as a place to remember the Great War (1914 – 1918). Completed in 1934 the Memorial is both a work of art and a remarkable piece of architecture. Designed by Australian architect Charles Bruce Dellit in collaboration with George Rayner Hoff, an English sculptor, the memorial is a key site
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Maclean District Museum and Stone Cottage
Maclean District Historical Society Inc. began in 1969 when a building (which was resumed by Council for non-payment of rates) was given to our Society for use as a museum. This is now furnished in the style of the time- 5 rooms, a music room, parlour, 2 bedrooms (one designated as a children’s room) and
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Inverell Pioneer Village
At the Pioneer Village you can sense the history that surrounds you. The authentic buildings of the village have been collected from Inverell and surrounding districts and represent the lifestyle and pioneering spirit of our forebears. Wander through the grounds to discover the Grove Homestead, dating back to 1840, or rest up in Paddy’s Pub
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Yarrawonga-Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Pioneer aviation and pioneer agriculture are major themes of the Yarrawonga-Mulwala Pioneer Museum. A highlight of the museum’s collection is a biplane built by local pioneer aviator Douglas Sloane in 1913. It is one of very few designs from the early period of aviation in Australia to have survived to the present day. The wing
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Trades Hall
The Trades Hall provides an insight into the history of trade unionism and its centrality to social justice, democracy and human rights in today’s world. The Hall houses a fascinating collection of historical, trade union banners, badges, campaign material, important documents and books. The building is open Monday to Friday with changing exhibitions on show
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Norfolk Island Museum
If you come to Norfolk Island, a visit to the museum is a must! The Norfolk Island Museum reveals to you Norfolk’s amazing and multi-layered stories. Famous for its colourful history, the island was first settled by Polynesians, then in 1788 by the British who later made it a convict hellhole. Since 1856 it has
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The Australian PlantBank
The Australian PlantBank is a science and research facility of the Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust and is located at the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan. It houses the Trust’s seedbank and research laboratories that specialise in horticultural research and conservation of Australian native plant species, particularly those from New South Wales.
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Australian Army Infantry Museum
The Australian Army Infantry Museum (AAIM) is the custodian of Infantry Corps history and its customs and traditions. The Museum collection ranges from the colonial armies and their first deployments overseas in the nineteenth century through to today’s twenty first century diggers. From its beginnings in 1965, the collection was originally housed at Ingleburn, before
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The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden
Welcome to The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mount Tomah – Australia’s premier cool-climate botanic garden. Perfectly situated in the world heritage-listed Greater Blue Mountains of New South Wales and with sweeping vistas over the mountains and more than 40,000 native, exotic and rare plants, the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden is a dream to visit at any
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The Australian Botanic Garden
Welcome to The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan. Four hundred hectares of Australian plants and lakeside picnic areas; home to the award-winning education and research facility, the Australian PlantBank. The sensation of the late 18th century in the field of botany was the discovery of a new continent filled with exotic plants unknown to the
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The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney
The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust is the oldest scientific institution in Australia. We have in our care the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, which is the nation’s oldest botanic garden, established in 1816 on the site of the first farm in 1788. The Trust also manages the Domain established in 1788 as the Governor’s
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Cockatoo Island
Only a short ferry ride from Sydney’s CBD is Cockatoo Island, Sydney Harbour’s largest island and one of Australia’s most fascinating historical sites. In 2010, Cockatoo Island – along with 10 other Australian convict sites – was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Cockatoo Island was a convict gaol (1839-1869), a reformatory and industrial
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Henry Kendall Cottage & Historical Museum
Set on two and a half acres with peaceful surroundings, Henry Kendall Cottage was once a home for the pioneer poet Henry Kendall. Born in Ulladulla 1839, Henry Kendall arrived in Gosford down on his luck and in poor health in 1873 and was befriended by the Fagans, a local family. Henry lived and worked
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Royal Australian Navy Heritage Centre
The Navy Heritage Centre is closed for all visitors until further notice.
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