2024 Small Grants Round 1 Recipients Announced

Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for our Round 1 Small Grants for 2024.

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Volunteer Museum Grants are open

We are now accepting applications for three grants from the Volunteer Museum Grant Program for 2024.

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Create NSW supports ACHAA as NSW Aboriginal culture, heritage and arts Peak Body

The Aboriginal Culture, Heritage & Arts Association of NSW has received funding in the latest Create NSW Arts and Cultural Funding Program.

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2023 Small Grants Round 1 Recipients Announced

Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for the Round 1 of the Small Grants for 2023

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Volunteer Museum Grants are open

M&G NSW is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for three grants from the Volunteer Museum Grant Program for 2023.

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Volunteer Museum Grants are open

We are now accepting applications for three funding opportunities from the 2022 Volunteer Museum Grant Program: Small Grants, Skills Development Grants and Leg Up Grants.

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Recording – Grant Application Workshop for small to medium museums and history organisations

Museums & Galleries of NSW, in partnership with Create NSW, recently presented an online workshop for the small to medium museum and history sector on applying for funding under the Arts and Cultural Funding Program.

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Community Heritage Grants 2021 announced

The Community Heritage Grants for 2021 has recently been announced, enabling community led and volunteer run organisations to care for their local history, stimulating local tourism and community wellbeing.

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Create NSW Funding Programs opening soon

Don't miss these Create NSW funding opportunities that will be opening soon in the later part of 2021.

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Funding boost for Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADO’s)

RADO's receive a $3.4 million funding boost from the NSW Government.

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Regional Tourism Activation Fund

The $30 million Regional Tourism Activation Fund will accelerate the development of new and enhanced tourism infrastructure across regional NSW.

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Round 2 arts and culture funding announced

Over 100 recipients will share in more than $4 million as part of Round 2 of NSW Government’s Arts and Cultural Funding Program for 2020/21.

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RISE Fund broadened to include local government or local government-owned entities

The eligibility requirements for the Federal Government’s Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund have been broadened.

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$300K for NSW artists and arts and cultural organisations

The NSW Government has announced a new Service Needs Strategic Fund for arts, screen and cultural organisations, to meet the demand for professional development and capacity-building across the sector.

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Gallery Grants – now open

Museums & Galleries of NSW gallery grants are now open to NSW public galleries. Funding is available for newly developed exhibitions through the Dobell Exhibition Grant and support for audience engagement activities is offered through the Audience Development Fund.

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2020 Project Development and Small Grants Recipients Announced

M&G NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for our Project Development Grants and the second round of the Volunteer Museum Small Grants for 2020.

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Community Heritage Grants – now open

Provides grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as museums, galleries, libraries, archives, genealogical and historical societies, multicultural and Indigenous groups.

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M&G NSW’s Let’s Get Digital project receives funding from Create NSW

M&G NSW is pleased to announce that we have received funding from Create NSW, as part of their Arts Restart scheme, to undertake a new project: Let’s Get Digital. The project will fund 15 new digital projects at museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres across NSW.

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Volunteer Museum Grants are open

M&G NSW is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for three grants from the Volunteer Museum Grant Program for 2021. Funded by Create NSW, these grants are designed to provide assistance to volunteer community museums and Aboriginal cultural centres in NSW.

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Suspended Moment: The Katthy Cavaliere Fellowship receives $92,737 for national tour

The exhibition tour, produced collaboratively by Carriageworks and M&G NSW, with will feature past works by the pioneering Italian-Australian artist alongside newly commissioned works by Giselle Stanborough, Frances Barrett and Sally Rees.

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