Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to congratulate the successful applicants for our Project Development Grants and the second round of the Volunteer Museum Small Grants for 2024.
These grants are designed to assist volunteer community museums and Aboriginal cultural centres in NSW. Funded by the NSW Government through Create NSW and administered by Museums & Galleries of NSW.
As always, we have a wide range of projects this round demonstrating once again the commitment of our volunteer museums to museum best practice as well as their imagination and innovation in caring for their collections and their visitors. In particular, this round we had a large number of projects focused on conservation, exhibition development, policy development, as well as many focused on digitisation.
The successful Project Development Grant applicants were:
Bellingen and Urunga Museum
$4,300 – The project will restore a model contour relief map depicting the topography of the area.
Miss Porter’s House Museum
$6,700 – to undertake environmental controls to remove dust and minimise fluctuations in temperature by installing roof insulation.
Mount Victoria & District Historical Society Museum
$6,900 – To engage professional to prepare a strategic plan and collection policy
Batemans Bay Heritage Museum
$6,146 – To digitise archives.
Camden Museum
$5,200 – To engage museum consultant to assist the Society in updating its Strategic Plan and related documents
The successful Small Grant applicants were:
Frank Partridge V.C Military Museum
$1,730 –The project is to purchase, construct and erect metal shelving in the military vehicle display shed to display smaller artefacts
Kempsey Museum and Cultural Centre
$2,000 – To purchase photographic equipment and accessories to enable digitisation of larger Museum artefacts
Kangaroo Valley Pioneer Museum
$950 – To purchase display case
Moree Plains Museum
$2,000– To purchase a double mannequin display cabinet to house two local wedding dresses that are over 100 years old each.
Narrandera Parkside Cottage Museum
$1,755 – To purchase of conservation equipment.
Berry Museum
$2,000 – Repair an 1891 wedding dress worn by a member of an early settler family in the Berry district
Headlie Taylor Header Museum
$1,360 – Replace and improve Headlie Taylor Header Museum signage on the Olympic Highway at Henty NSW
Eryldene Historic House & Garden
$1,910 – To undertake professional document scanning of Eryldene Historic House & Garden’s collection catalogue documentation and archival material.
Lawrence Museum
$1,415 – To purchase archival storage materials and associated items to preserve textiles, photographs and documents.
Nutcote – Home of May Gibbs
$2,000 – to update and improve the documentation and policies relating to the management of the May Gibbs’ Nutcote collection.
Jindera Pioneer Museum
$750 – To engage as signage company to professionally prepare 50 additional signs for displays at the museum.
Lydham Hall
$2,000 – To upgrade exterior signage.
Lightning Ridge Heritage Cottage
$1,669 – Purchase of a quality slide and negative scanner to supplement existing scanning equipment
Henry Parkes Museum
$971 – To enhance the Wiradjuri artefacts display cabinets by purchasing acrylic risers and easel stands, wooden stands; sensor lighting and a USB monitor to run documentaries about the Wiradjuri artefacts
If your volunteer-run museum is interested in applying for any of our grant programs, please contact Alice Norwood, Museum Programs & Collections Coordinator, by email at alicen@mgnsw.org.au or by phone (02) 5663 2338