Congratulations to the lucky ones
Photo: via Flickr Creative Commons
It’s that happy time of year when we can announce where Arts NSW’s money is going. The 2014 round of the Small to Medium Museum Grants is completed and recipients of the Collection Documentation and the Regional Museum Networking Grants are dancing in the streets.
In the last round two grants were up for grabs:
Collection Documentation Grants (up to $7000) assists small to medium museums to improve their collection documentation and train staff and volunteers in the processes of accessioning, registration, cataloguing and document storage and retrieval.
This year they have been awarded to:
- Old Dubbo Gaol
- McCrossins Mill Museum
- Bland Shire Council
- Miss Traill’s House and Garden
A larger pool of funding feeds into the Regional Museum Networking Grants which allocates money to volunteer-run museums to work jointly on a yearlong project.
The funds will support the work of over 370 volunteers across six local government areas in five regions of NSW to collaboratively research, share and improve access to collections in local communities.
This year the successful candidates were:
- The Albert Kersten Geocentre for a project which will bring together Broken Hill museums to work on exhibitions and a website relating to a common theme.
- Wollongong City Council for development of a virtual museum for the Wollongong area, bringing together many of the regional collections.
Overall, the successful applications totalled $92,230.