Courtesy and © Emy Dossett, 2016.
Turn the lens towards your relatives and friends, and show us what they mean to you. The Australian Centre for Photography (ACP) are looking for photographs that challenge stereotypes and promote the talent and experience of older people.
As part of the 2017 Grandparents Day celebrations, the ACP in partnership with the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) is offering you the chance to win a photography workshop for your community or school to the value of $1,500.For your chance to win, simply submit a digital photo (traditional or creative in composition) that shares
For your chance to win, simply submit a digital photo (traditional or creative in composition) that shares the talent and experience of grandparents and older people. You can enter as many time as you like but each image must include an older person as a subject, whether as a portrait or group scene.
Photos will be judged on how they embrace and include NSW Grandparents Day celebration themes; and for the photo buffs, originality, composition, overall impact, technical excellence and artistic merit.
Competition closes: 15 September 2017