MAMA Culture Connect Pilot Program completed

Audience Development Fund

Sri Lankan Vesak (Festival of Lights) Lantern workshop with local community leader Nivanka deSilva, Murray Art Museum Albury - Culture Connect

Murray Art Museum Albury recently completed their year-long Culture Connect Pilot Program, funded by a $10,000 M&G NSW Audience Development Fund grant. The pilot program was aimed at meaningfully engaging young people within Albury’s new migrant and refugee communities through free monthly art-based programs.

The project targeted people from Albury’s communities from Nepali, Bhutanese, Indian, Thai and Skri Lankan backgrounds, however the largest uptake was from the Congolese community which is rapidly growing with many recent migrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya and Uganda (with further growth anticipated as 163 families are due to relocate to Albury Wodonga from these countries between 1 July 2019 and 31 June 2020).

‘For almost every attendee of the program it was their first visit to MAMA, and so the need to offer a welcoming, accessible and engaging experience was paramount from the beginning. Attendees indicated an enormous interest in programs relating to Australian First Nations art and culture, especially workshops and talks presented by Lorraine Connelly-Northey (Wiradjuri) and Dr Treahna Hamm (Yorta Yorta).’

– Murray Art Museum Albury


Participants made connections through creating art and engaging with current exhibitions, forming a sense of belonging in the museum. Images can be seem below of some of the monthly programs:

The Audience Development Fund is a Create NSW devolved funding program administered by Museums & Galleries of NSW on behalf of the NSW Government.

Applications for the 2020 Audience Development Fund will open on 1 April 2020 – learn more about the grant, past recipients and grant guidelines here.

Stay up-to-date on all M&G NSW grant opportunities by signing up to our fortnightly Alert e-newsletter and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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