Does your museum or gallery building work for you? Do you think your building’s ability to store and care for your collection could be improved? Or maybe your building requires improved visitor access or environmental sustainability?
The Museum & Gallery Building Improvement Program offers two opportunities for museums and galleries to improve their buildings via funding for either a Building Assessment Report or for Building Works.
If your application for a Building Assessment Report is successful, a heritage architect and a conservator will be organised to come to your building and produce a detailed assessment report that makes prioritised recommendations for how you can make improvements. This document can be incredibly useful in developing management plans, as well as in approaching organisations like councils for funding or assistance in carrying out the necessary works.
The Building Improvement grants program also offers the opportunity to apply for funds to carry out the necessary building works. If you have already received a Building Assessment from the program, or if you have an equivalent report that meets the minimum requirements (see Building Improvement Program page for details) you can apply for funding for one of the recommended areas of work.
An example of a successful recipient of both the Building Assessment Report and of the funds necessary to carry out building works identified in the original report is the Woolpack Inn Museum, Holbrook. The Woolpack Inn Museum was awarded a Building Assessment Report in 2016, which identified that the museum’s building required urgent repairs and stabilisation. Based on the report’s findings the Woolpack Inn applied to the Building Improvement Program in 2017 for funds to help repair the issues identified in 2016 and were awarded funds to carry out the stabilisation of a lantern skylight, the repointing of brickwork to stop rising damp and the bracing of a parapet wall on the front of the building.
Previous recipients include:
- Calala Cottage Museum installed external cladding and insulation to a storage shed to make the internal environment more stable.
- Woolpack Inn Museum undertook urgent building repairs recommended in a building assessment report, funded in the previous year. Repairs included stabilizing a lantern skylight, repointing brickwork to stop rising damp and bracing a parapet wall on the front of the building.
- Walcha Pioneer Museum were successful in getting a Building Assessment Report that recommended installing new downpipes and ensuring that all downpipes are connected to the drainage system, bracing timber structures and implementing a freezing program for insect infested objects.
The Museum and Gallery Building Improvement Program is a devolved funding program supported by the NSW Government Office of Environment and Heritage and the Heritage Council of NSW, administered by Museum & Galleries of NSW (M&G NSW) on behalf of the NSW Government.