FAQs: NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award


The NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award is aimed at supporting cultural organisations working in partnership with the health sector to deliver positive health and wellbeing outcomes for the community through arts and cultural projects.


Who can nominate?
NSW based public museums, galleries, Aboriginal cultural centres, artist-run galleries, or volunteer-run museums or galleries that are open to the public are eligible to be the primary applicant for nominations.

Other cultural organisations, including RADOs, would need to partner with one of the above.

Local Health Districts must partner with the above listed cultural organisations as the applicant organisation.

What is a Local Health District?
In 2011, the NSW Government established Local Health Districts (LHDs) with the aim of providing healthcare services across New South Wales. LHDs are hospital networks funded by the state government, and there are 15 of them in NSW. These districts manage and operate public hospitals, clinics, and community health services.

We are a cultural organisation. How do we know what our Local Health District (LHD) or local catchment health service is?
You can search for your Local Health District on the NSW Health website. For advice how to connect with your LHD or local catchment NSW Health Service please contact HI-Arts@health.nsw.gov.au. You could also establish a relationship through making contact with your Local Health District Senior Executive team.

Search your Local Health District

We are a health facility. How do we know what cultural organisations are in our region to partner with and be the applicant?
You can search for local cultural facilities through the Museums & Galleries of NSW website, List of Places or contact M&G NSW directly to assist you. Alternatively, please contact HI-Arts@health.nsw.gov.au

We are a cultural facility within a public health organisation. Are we eligible to apply?
Yes, on the provision that you clearly meet the Purpose of the Award. Please contact M&G NSW to discuss your project.


Why is it important that we partner with health or arts organisations for this Award?
Museums & Galleries of NSW’s remit is to support museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres. NSW Health Future Health Strategy actively encourages connecting with partners to deliver integrated care services. This award seeks to recognise the contribution of the gallery and museum sector to community wellness and improve strategic connections between the arts and health industries. The Award seeks to draw on the professional knowledge of both the cultural and health sectors to deliver positive health outcomes.

We are a health facility as part of the Local Health District and run our own art program. Do we need to partner with a museum, gallery or Aboriginal cultural organisation?
Yes. You can find a list of cultural organisations on our website.

Search a list of cultural organisations on our website


What kind of projects can be considered?
The intent of the NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award is to support organisations that are seeking to deliver positive health and wellbeing outcomes for the community through arts and cultural projects as a partnership between public cultural and health institutions.
View a list of relevant case studies and examples

We already deliver arts and health activities. Can we nominate these projects to assist in funding, or does it need to be a new project?
Yes. If your project/program is an existing activity, the ongoing sustainability of the program will be carefully considered.

Can my project be a collection-based activity?
Yes. However, all projects/programs should demonstrate partnerships with positive health or wellbeing outcomes for the community and/or patients.

How do we know how much to pay artists/ creative teams?
Museums & Galleries of NSW supports, and advocates for the appropriate remuneration of artists and cultural workers. The National Association for the Visual Arts Code of Practice details relevant pay rates.

How do we ensure projects meet the objectives of the NSW Future Health: Strategic Framework (2022-2032)?
The future-health-strategic-framework (nsw.gov.au) is a set of principles guiding the health care needs of the NSW community. The Local Health District and health providers work towards these objectives in a range of different ways. Competitive applications may address any objective/s, however arts in health initiatives generally relate most closely to Objects 1 Patients and carers have positive experiences and outcomes that matter and Objective 3 People are Healthy and Well.

How do you measure the clinical and other results of a program?
NSW Health organisations regularly collects and analyses data, however these are very specific to the program being evaluated. Arts Programs are inconsistently analysed due to program resource limitations and accordingly there are no set clinical frameworks for arts evaluation hospital to hospital, Health District to Health District. A range of projects are available for review on the Agency for Clinical Innovation website – Innovation Exchange Search for innovation projects | Agency for Clinical Innovation (nsw.gov.au)

Applicants are encouraged to consider and co-design an evaluation framework as part of their program design, however is not expected to be resolved as part of the submission process. In advance of submitting their application, applicants may like to reach out to HI-Arts@health.nsw.gov.au for further information

Are there any examples of museums working with First Nations communities in the arts and health space.
There is extraordinary capacity for museums to support the interpretation and care of cultural assets located in health services across NSW.

A recent example is the Prince of Wales Hospital Redevelopment in partnership with the Gujaga Foundation and La Perouse Local Aboriginal Lands Council. In collaboration with the Australian Museum, archeologists, community and Elders conducted forensic testing to assess hearthstones recovered during early earthworks, dated 8000 years old.

Cultural display at Prince of Wales Hospital celebrates connection to Country (youtube.com)

Is a co-design methodology a requirement for Award submissions?
It is a requirement of the Award that health services will work in collaboration with cultural services to achieve the intended outcome of the project. Competitive proposals will demonstrate co-design initiatives embedded in the realisation of the project.

Projects must be started between 1st January 2025 – 31st December 2025. Can we extend beyond these dates?
Yes, on the provision the main part of your project is delivered within those dates.

What can the money be spent on if we are successful?
The application process includes providing a project budget outlining expenses. All relevant costs associated with delivery of the program will be required to be included in the budget.

When will we know if we are successful?
The successful applicant will be notified in early November and announced at the IMAGinE Awards ceremony at Paddington Town Hall on Thursday, 21 November 2024.


What is the cost to apply?
There is no cost to apply for the NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award.

Who will be paid the money if our nomination wins?
The nominated cultural organisation will receive the funding.

To assist you in developing your potential project, we have compiled a number of case studies of Art and Health projects developed within New South Wales.

Case Studies

If you have any further questions, please email us using the form below.


The NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award is proudly supported by NSW Health Infrastructure.