Evans Head Living Museum
The Evans Head Living Museum is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers who are involved in the collection, identification and interpretation of the rich human and natural resources which make up the history and development of Evans Head, Woodburn, Broadwater and Coraki areas. The Museum focuses on seven major themes: World War II including
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Fighter World – the RAAF Williamtown Aviation Heritage Centre
Located just 20 mins drive north of Newcastle, Fighter World is a totally ‘hands on’ experience. Visitors can walk-around, touch and view some of Australia’s most iconic aircraft plus enjoy the added benefit of sitting in the cockpits of a Mirage jet fighter and a Macchi jet trainer. There are more than 17 historic aircraft
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Museum of Fire
The Museum of Fire aims to be the foremost Australian museum on the understanding of the experience of fire. Most prominently the Museum stands as a testimony to the heroic efforts of firefighters in our community, guarding their history and heritage for future generations. Housing one of the finest collections of its kind in the
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North Sydney Heritage Centre
If you are interested in your family history or the history of your North Sydney house, then the North Sydney Heritage Centre can help. The Heritage Centre at Stanton Library documents the social, cultural and built heritage of the local area. You can access a wide variety of primary and secondary material for research; the
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Mary Boulton’s Pioneer Cottage & Museum
Take a step back in time to encounter how Nambucca Valley pioneers lived – the early 19th century furnished cottage in a welcoming garden setting; a timber getter’s bark hut, an early cell from Macksville Police Station; horse drawn vehicles; a dairy where cans of cream were stored; tools and implements from the dairy, beef,
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Kandos Museum
Kandos is the town that made the cement that made Sydney. Established by the cement works in 1914, Kandos thrived as a modern 20th century town in a spectacular rural setting. With the cement works closing in 2013, Kandos Museum has a vital role in preserving the town’s industrial and social history. The museum is
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Mudgee Museum
The Mudgee Museum tells the story of the Mudgee area through its collection of approximately 60,000 items. The collection is displayed in several buildings on site which include a mid-nineteenth century hotel, an early twentieth century church, and a replica of a slab hut. For those with an interest in family history or with questions
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Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum
Showcasing Australia’s industrial history. The history of the Lithgow Small Arms Factory is about people – their aspirations, disappointments, and achievements, the economic and social hardships endured, the influence of our British heritage on Australia in the early 1900s, and sheer human stubbornness. It is also about the introduction of new technologies into the emerging
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Yanco Powerhouse Museum
Yanco Power Station was built in 1913 to supply power to the developing Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area and for the Leeton Butter Factory. It was chosen for its proximity to the rail line enabling easy access to coal and water. The station was decommissioned in the late 1950s once the Snowy Hydroelectric scheme was operational. The
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Lake Macquarie and District Museum
Opened in 1992, the Lake Macquarie and District Museum is located in the once abandoned, now picturesque Toronto Railway Station on the shores of Lake Macquarie. There is an extensive photograph collection some of which date back to the 19th century. The photographs show the development of the area from past to present. Themed displays
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SPASM Museum
Come and visit us to learn about health care in the 19th and 20th centuries. The SPASM (Society for Preservation of the Artefacts of Surgery & Medicine) museum is housed in the heritage 1870’s sandstone buildings at the Victoria Road entrance to the old Heritage site of the Tarban Creek Gladesville Asylum – Building 1 was the gatekeeper’s cottage
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Shear Outback
Shear Heritage–Shear Culture–Shear Fun! Shear Outback offers an insight into the hardworking men and women who helped shape the nation. Shearers, rousies, woolclassers, cooks and working dogs–meet the team; they’re all here at the Australian Shearers Hall of Fame. Take time to see the historic working Shearing Shed and enjoy a live shearing demonstration. The museum
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Wing Hing Long Museum
The Wing Hing Long and Company Store in Tinga is a long way from Chinatown. This little store has been turned into a museum to raise awareness of the contribution the Chinese made to rural communities in NSW. During the peak of the mining boom between 1880 and 1920 a large community of Chinese miners
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Great Lakes Museum
Located on the Mid North Coast of NSW, the Great Lakes Museum and Heritage Center is run by volunteers from the Great Lakes Historical Society. They are a Not-for-Profit social history and maritime museum engaged in collecting, researching, preserving and exhibiting artifacts and documentary material relating to the area. The Museum’s friendly staff are happy to share
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Goulburn Rail Heritage Museum
The Rail Heritage Museum and restoration centre, includes a roundhouse and turntable, a large 130 year old workshop building and ancillary buildings. Restoration of heritage rolling stock is carried out at the Roundhouse. To ensure safety and security, all visitors are escorted by experienced tour guides. Only opened half a day on Saturday 15th February
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Goulburn Historic Waterworks Museum
Experience the majesty of the steam age at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks. Located on the banks of the Wollondilly River this rare facility is the only complete, operational, steam powered municipal water supply, left in its original location, in the Southern Hemisphere. The original Pumphouse contains two working stationary steam engines from the 1800s. Interpretation panels
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Gilgandra Rural Museum
Being open every day of the week gives you ample opportunity to see our extensive and exciting range of agricultural plant and machinery, including the famous Howard Rotary Hoe, as well as many historic household and general items from bygone days. Historic buildings including the Tooraweenah Police Gaol and the Uargon Subsidised School which are
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Miss Porter’s House
Built in 1909 by Herbert Porter, the terrace house was home to the Porter family until 1997. It was left to the National Trust by Miss Hazel Porter, with its contents intact, providing today’s visitors with a vivid experience of early to mid-twentieth century inner-city life in Newcastle. Miss Porter’s House is filled with 1909-1940
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Mount Victoria and District Historical Society Museum
This amazing museum is set in sixteen rooms of the heritage listed 1868 Mount Victoria Railway Station. It is part of the railway to the west which was built across the rough terrain of the Blue Mountains. A display to commemorate the bicentenary of the crossing of the Blue Mountains has sketches, paintings and artefacts
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Wyalong Museum
Situated in the historic Wyalong Courthouse, the Museum is managed by volunteers of Bland District Historical Society Incorporated. The opening hours are 2pm – 5pm daily. The building was erected in 1900 by renowned architect Walter Liberty Vernon and shows many of his innovative ideas on light and ventilation. The heritage court room with cedar
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