Coffs Harbour City Council is seeking a consultant to undertake strategic planning for the Gallery and Library Service.
Coffs Harbour is positioned halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. It is a thriving regional coastal city of approximately 68,000 people and enjoys a unique lifestyle created by its geography and climate. Nestled between coastal slopes of the Great Dividing Range and the 80 kilometres of golden beaches that form its boundaries Coffs Harbour has gained a reputation as a dynamic and rapidly expanding economic hub.
Coffs Harbour City Council is seeking to engage the services of an experienced and qualified strategic planning consultant to:
1) review and update the 2012-2016 Library Service strategic plan;
2) develop a Regional Gallery strategic plan;
3) develop an integrated and aligned Library, Museum, Gallery (LMG) implementation plan; and
4) peer review the business case for a new Cultural and Civic Facility for Coffs Harbour.
The project will start in early December 2017 and is targeted to end in June 2018.