Brett Adlington to be Museums & Galleries of NSW new CEO

The board of Museums & Galleries of NSW is pleased to announce the appointment of Brett Adlington as the Chief Executive Officer of M&G NSW.

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Maintaining COVID-19 Best Practices

As almost a whole year has passed since the first COVID-19 cases were identified in Australia, people may be feeling complacent. However, it's important that museums and galleries continue to lead by example by maintaining best practices.

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Audience Development Fund recipients for 2020

We are pleased to announce the funding of five projects targeting and developing new audiences, through the Audience Development Fund.

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Interview – Craig Barker, Chau Chak Wing Museum

We recently visited the newly opened Chau Chak Wing Museum at the University of Sydney and spoke with Craig Barker, Manager of Education and Public Programs.

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Victorian Collections online portal launched

An online trove of Victoria’s cultural and historical collections has been launched, connecting the public with thousands of rare and precious items to collectively tell the story of Victoria.

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Free ERCO light fittings from Museum of Contemporary Art Australia

The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia is generously offering light fittings to a new home. 

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Community Heritage Grants 2020 announced

A number of museums and galleries in NSW have been successful in this year’s Community Heritage Grants.

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After a $57.5 Million Transformation, the Australian Museum Reopens to the Public

In addition to revealing 3,000sqm of new public space, the Museum announced free general entry for the public and its carbon neutral certification.

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Dobell Exhibition Grant recipient announced for 2021

We are pleased to announce Maitland Regional Art Gallery (MRAG) as the recipient of the Dobell Exhibition Grant for 2021 for their proposed exhibition Shadow Boxer.

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M&G NSW Bids Farewell to Michael Rolfe and Tamara Lavrencic

With a combined tenure of 18 years at Museums & Galleries of NSW, Michael Rolfe and Tamara Lavrencic have shaped Museums & Galleries of NSW. We thank them both for their immense contributions to our organisation and to the arts sector across NSW and beyond.

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Free Museum Plinths and Acrylic Lids from Sydney University Museums

A range of painted black, white and grey MDF plinths (many with matching acrylic lids of varying sizes) are generously on offer from the University of Sydney.

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$291 Million Boost for NSW Arts and Culture

The 2020-21 NSW Budget has committed $291 million into new initiatives designed to attract investment, support jobs and reactivate the State’s cultural venues.

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Six M&G NSW Touring Exhibitions Hit the Road

All six of M&G NSW's touring exhibitions will be on display over the coming months, including Arlo Mountford Deep Revolt; Eugenia Lim The Ambassador; Just Not Australian; Material Sound; Montages: The Full Cut 1999-2015 Tracey Moffatt and Gary Hillberg; and Void.

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Call Out for Volunteer Board Members – May Gibbs Nutcote

Nutcote is seeking additional board members to join its board and is especially interested in applicants with experience in the fields of children’s education, marketing and finance, although those with other experience are encouraged to apply.

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Chau Chak Wing Museum opens

Sydney’s newest museum opens its doors to the public on 18 November.

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Welcome Marian Simpson

We are very pleased to welcome Marian Simpson to the M&G NSW team! Marian will be working as Gallery Programs and Touring Exhibitions Coordinator whilst Olivia Welch is on maternity leave.

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Powerhouse Parramatta Project Update

Infrastructure NSW has now reviewed all submissions received for the State Significant Development Application.  

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Art Gallery of NSW announces revitalisation of historic building as part of Sydney Modern Project transformation 

The upgrades will restore original architectural features of the building, provide more space for art and scholarship, and enhance the visitor experience and sustainable operations.  

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2020 Small Grants Round 1 Recipients Announced

Museums & Galleries of NSW would like to congratulate all the successful applicants in the first round of the Volunteer Museum Small Grants for 2020.

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The Western Sydney Powerhouse Community Alliance Launches

On Thursday 8 October, an Alliance of influential Western Sydney organisations and individuals announced their combined support of the Powerhouse Museum in Parramatta.

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