We are pleased to announce the funding of five projects targeting and developing new audiences, through the Audience Development Fund, a devolved funding program of Create NSW administered by Museums & Galleries of NSW.
The fund offers up to $10,000 per project to regional galleries and museums across NSW to trial new models for engaging audiences, creating innovative public programs that engage artists and the community, increasing access and participation.
2019 Audience Development Fund Recipients
Goulburn Regional Art Gallery (Goulburn Mulwaree Council) $10,000
Art Walks is a guided video tour featuring artists speaking about their public artworks located between Goulburn Visitor Information Centre (VIC) and Goulburn Regional Art Gallery. Over 40,000 visitors pass through Goulburn VIC annually and Art Walks will develop this group as a new audience for Goulburn Regional Art Gallery.
Northern Rivers Community Gallery $10,000
Citizen Science explores ways of understanding rivers, as complex environmental, historical and social phenomena. This series of interactive educational experiences combines art, citizen science and technology to engage audiences with new ways of seeing waterways in conjunction with the Speaking with the River exhibition.
The Lock-Up (Newcastle Historic Reserve Trust) $10,000
PLAY is a project developed to coincide with the exhibition Rosie Deacon Solo (working title) that aims to facilitate direct engagement with The Lock-Up’s program by people who identify as having a disability. It includes a range of inclusive initiatives aimed to increase participation, community connection and access.
UNSW Galleries $5,034
A pilot education program to target and develop young school-aged audiences at UNSW Galleries. This is the Gallery’s first program connecting students from low SES schools with artists and cultural learning experiences and will improve and increase access and participation with this audience group.
UTS ART (UTS Gallery) $9,966
UTS ART Live/Respect Now Always will engage young and culturally diverse people new to Australia and to University in an arts project led by Frances Barrett and via social media. This project will connect new audiences with contemporary art practice and UTS ART’s artistic and public programs.
The Audience Development Fund is a Create NSW devolved funding program, administered by Museums & Galleries of NSW on behalf of the NSW Government.