Jo Nicholas

Joanna has held various roles within the museum sector. She is currently Portfolio Curator for Sydney Living Museums with the responsibility for Vaucluse, Elizabeth Bay and Rose Seidler Houses. From 2000-2012, she was Curator for the Caroline Simpson Library & Research Collection (formerly the Conservation Resource Centre) and has also been the curator of Meroogal, SLM’s property at Nowra.


Joanna is passionate about the operations of regional museums, something that began when she was Curator, Museums and Properties with the National Trust of Australia (NSW).  Joanna has lectured for the Museum Studies Unit, University of Sydney and currently sits on the Committee of the Furniture History Society (Australasia).


Personal statement

I am delighted to be part of the Standards Program again. I strongly believe in its objectives in encouraging museums to self-assess and set goals for improvements. I was involved in the program in 2008-09 and again in 2013-14 and was delighted to see dedicated teams of volunteers banding together to learn and work to enrich the experience of visitors to their museums. I look forward to meeting the participants for 2019 and to building strong and rewarding relationships with them.