Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program

The Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program (ACDGP) supports the delivery of high-quality public diplomacy initiatives which promote our economic, artistic, and cultural assets to an international audience. These initiatives strengthen Australia’s reputation as an innovative, creative nation and foster collaborative people-to-people links internationally.

Cultural Diplomacy Outcomes

Cultural diplomacy is an important tool for governments to advance Australia’s interests, soft power and influence. The ACDGP will advance the soft power and partnerships objectives of the 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper by:

  • Supporting cultural collaboration and partnerships that build influence internationally
  • Promoting our economic, artistic and cultural assets to an international audience
  • Expanding audiences and markets
  • Building people-to-people links internationally
  • Leveraging existing partnerships and fostering engagement with key stakeholders
  • Supporting other DFAT programs
  • Influencing perceptions of Australia at home and abroad.

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