Handling, Housing and Moving Objects

16 Jun 2022.
Handling, Housing and Moving Objects
A tour at the Museums Discovery Centre. Photo Marico Kojdanovsk

As Collection Storage & Logistics Manager for the Powerhouse Collection, Tom Wilcox is responsible for overseeing the packing and movement of thousands of museum objects per week. In this 45-minute webinar he will take you through the principles and processes of how to correctly handle, pack, and move museum objects.

Drawing on his experience working across the public and private sectors in collection care and logistics, Tom will help you gain confidence and knowledge so that you can undertake the safe guardianship of your collection. He has a wealth of knowledge and practical know-how when it comes to looking after a diverse range of fine art and museum objects.

Tom will briefly touch on the safe handling of objects and focus mainly on safely packing and housing objects for transport. This webinar is designed for staff and volunteers of smaller museums and the collecting sector. A 30-minute presentation with slides will be followed by a 15-minute Q+A session. The webinar is free but bookings are essential

Thursday 16 June 2022, 11–11.45am
Bookings essential.

Book online