Susan Conroy Cultural Planning

Susan offers specialist skills and advice in cultural research, arts and cultural policy, arts and cultural project development, consultation and engagement, cultural and community facility planning, analysis of social and economic impacts of arts and cultural activity, precinct planning and development and place making. Susan provides services that can help to ensure policies remain responsive, provide advice on how to integrate cultural planning into broader strategic frameworks, and identify potential partnerships and opportunities within and across government, community organisations and the private sector. Susan was made a Fellow (FPIA) of the Planning Institute of Australia in October 2014 in recognition of her work and her contributions to the Institute.
2014 Public Art Consultant Gates of Light Art Work Installation (UGNSW)
2014 Kingston Arts Precinct Feasibility Study (artsACT)
2014 Cultural Plan Wollongong City Council in assoc with Susan Davis & Graham Larcombe (Wollongong City Council)
2013 Gorman House Arts Centre Scoping Study (artsACT)
2012 Landscape, Public Art and Place Making Strategy (UrbanGrowthNSW & UWS Campbelltown)
Susan ConroySole Trader
Susan Conroy Cultural Planning
25 Wade Street
Watson ACT
Phone: 0418653449
Year Commenced: 1996Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: Yes
ABN: 41366374899