Maintaining COVID-19 Best Practices
As almost a whole year has passed since the first COVID-19 cases were identified in Australia, people may be feeling complacent. However, it's important that museums and galleries continue to lead by example by maintaining best practices.
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$8 million boost to enhance Australia’s Trove portal
The Federal Government will provide an additional $8 million for the National Library of Australia over the next two years to support the ongoing development of Australia’s digital heritage portal, Trove.
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Planning to re-open
We have compiled this comprehensive resource for museums and galleries planning to re-open to the public. Whilst the NSW Government has stated that museums, galleries and libraries may open as of 1 June 2020, there are still several important precautions that must be taken to ensure that staff, volunteers and visitors are COVID safe.
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Regional Galleries transition to online during the lockdown
Across the globe, museums and galleries have raced to deliver more and more online experiences as their physical spaces remain closed. We spoke to three regional gallery directors about their online transition.
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Practical things you can do while your museum is closed due to COVID-19
Having a museum closed for an indefinite time provides an opportunity to catch up on some of those activities that can be difficult to do when a museum is open and focused on visitor needs.
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