With the launch of the Storyplace website behind us, at the end of May, we had the opportunity to go on the road and meet face-to-face with some of our past and present contributing partners. The in-person Storyplace launch at Tamworth was a welcome reminder of how important it is to truly ‘meet’ with colleagues.
At Coolah, Orange, Bathurst, Berry and Nowra we met with partnering historical societies and museums to talk about the new Storyplace website and the important processes behind it – not least the contributions made by regional volunteers.
As we continue to build and develop Storyplace we look forward to more visits and important conversations about the stories behind the collections cared for by our small to medium museums and galleries.
Meanwhile, to help us ‘show the world’ the importance of the state’s community-based cultural collections, visit Storyplace and spread the word about it to colleagues, friends and family.
Storyplace was created by Museums & Galleries of NSW in partnership with regional museums, galleries and cultural centres. It is proudly funded by the NSW Government through the Regional Cultural Fund.