Free offer for Regional Galleries– MOVE: Video art in schools

To launch the new school year, Kaldor Public Art Projects is offering a limited number of copies of their contemporary art resource MOVE: Video art in schools to regional galleries, free for educational use.

MOVE: Video art in schools is an exciting teaching and learning resource designed to support the creative arts curriculum for secondary schools. Featuring contemporary video work by some of Australia’s best-known artists, it has won international recognition as a model for innovative teaching strategies in creative arts education.

Each DVD set includes:

  • 12 video artworks for study
  • comprehensive teaching notes and issues for discussion
  • art-making and research projects

Originally priced at $295, MOVE: Video art in schools is available FREE to regional galleries for a limited time – exclusively for educational use.

To order your copy, email or phone 02 9351 1180

For more information:


MOVE: Video art in schools was produced in partnership with the New South Wales Department of Education.

I use the videos across Years 8-12 and find them invaluable. Students have a high level of interest when they view them because they relate so much to their lives and the use of technology. It opens their eyes to the possibilities of art. - Teacher, Parkes High School

MOVE: Video art in schools is one of my most useful resources. For many years this has been a difficult area to teach as video art resources have been virtually non-existent. These videos have proven invaluable. - Teacher, Manilla Central School

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