The Australia Council is currently recruiting Peer Assessors through a self-nomination process.
Peer assessment is central to the Australia Council grants model and relies on the knowledge and experience of practitioners like you. Peers are practicing artists, arts workers or industry advisors with knowledge and experience across a wide range of arts practices. The Council forms diverse and balanced assessment panels, working with peers who are representative of geography, cultural backgrounds, age, gender and ability.
A peer needs to have sufficient knowledge and experience of the arts sector to make a fair and informed assessment of applications for funding. They could gain this knowledge and experience as a practicing artist, working as an arts professional or by advising the arts sector.
Peers should have knowledge of at least one arts practice that the Australia Council supports. They also need peers who understand all parts of the artistic process – from making work and coordinating tours and exhibitions, to developing new markets and engaging with audiences and communities.
You can submit your nomination up to 3 November 2016. Council staff will shortlist a new Pool of Peers for approval by the Board of the Australia Council in March 2017, and the terms of the new Pool will commence in May 2017.
Information about peer assessment and nominating to be a peer assessor is available on the Australia Council website,