MIKU SATO Not the Yellow Submarines, 2015-2017, Still - Single screen video installation
MIKU SATO Not the Yellow Submarines, 2015-2017, Still - Single screen video installation
Seventy-five years ago this May, three Japanese midget submarines launched a brazen strike on Sydney, bringing World War II home to Australia’s Eastern States. Twenty-seven people died. It was the first and only time that modern Sydney came under foreign attack, leaving an indelible mark on Australian identity.
Exploring themes associated with the Anniversary of this event, Mosman Art Gallery is staging TOKKOTAI – a multi-media response that offers a global narrative on war and conflict, destruction, honour and self-sacrifice, while considering the DNA of the former military structure that hosts the exhibition.
Featuring the work of Michelle Belgiorno, Ken Done, Jennie Feyen, Sue Pedley, Miku Sato and Gary Warner presented in the restored T5 Camouflage Fuel Tank at Headland Park, Georges Heights Oval at Mosman.
T5 one of a series of industrial scale former naval oil tanks built on Sydney’s North Shore, camouflaged against Japanese attack during World War II. The oversized internal space of the Tank lends to the large-scale installations, paintings, soundscapes and immersive experiences on offer.
TOKKOTAI is the first bi-national exhibition dedicated to exploring this WWII event and sheds new light on what became one of Sydney Harbour’s darkest moments.
WHEN: Saturday 20 May to Monday 12 June 2017 (public holiday)
HOURS: 10:00am – 4:00pm
WHERE: T5 Camouflage Fuel Tank, Headland Park, Georges Heights Oval, Mosman, NSW
COST: Free