Storage on a Shoestring: collections care videos

Storage on a Shoestring is the second in a series of videos produced as part of Museums of History NSW’s partnership with Museums & Galleries of NSW and the Storyplace project.

There are three videos in this series, which have been developed for staff and volunteers working in small to medium-sized museums in regional and remote NSW or anyone with precious collections or items they want to protect and store.

The Storage on Shoestring videos were produced by MHNSW’s Collections Care, Digital and Regional teams.

To view the Storage on shoestring video resources from the learning team at MHNSW, please see:

Storage on a shoestring: getting started

Storage on a shoestring: why collection storage matters

Storage on a shoestring: housing collection items


These resources were developed by Museums of History NSW in collaboration with Museums & Galleries of NSW as part of the Storyplace Roadshow, funded by the NSW Government through Create NSW.


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