Roadmap to Reopening – Resource
Last updated: 21 October 2021
As New South Wales moves towards reopening, we have provided some resources to assist in managing your organisation through this process. We recognise that this will be a stressful time for many, with lots of unknowns. We are doing our best to navigate this for you – but this information is provided as a guide only and could be subject to change. Museums & Galleries of NSW takes no responsibility for any actions undertaken.
While Monday 11 October is the day that has been announced for the first stage towards reopening, we encourage organisations to work deliberately, and choose the best options for them. We are aware that many smaller, and indeed some larger organisations are delaying opening fully until after 1 December – so if this is right for you, that is OK.
General information and updates can be found here:
The Roadmap has been determined over 3 distinct phases. Relevant information for museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres are outlined below.
It should be noted that Public Health Orders are announced soon before the Order takes place, so detail in Stages 2 and 3 may be subject to change.
Stage 1 – 70% double dose vaccination:
As per Public Health Order issued on Sunday 3 October.
The following freedoms will apply only to fully vaccinated adults (16+) and those with medical exemptions from Monday 11 October 2021:
- Indoor entertainment and information facilities including galleries and museums can reopen:
- for the parts of the premises that are indoor areas—1 person per 4 square metres of space, and
- for the parts of the premises that are outdoor areas—1 person per 2 square metre
- Check-in for vaccinated adults is via the Service NSW COVID Safe Check-in app
- Venues are responsible for taking ‘reasonable steps to prevent unvaccinated people entering your premises’. See here for guidance on vaccination compliance and obligations for businesses and Proof of vaccination requirements
- Venues must not allow more than 20 persons to attend a group class or other group activity at the indoor facility
- Masks mandatory for all indoor premises and settings, except children under 12 and those with a medical exemption
- Travel holidays between regional LGAs are permitted (people in regional LGAs cannot enter Greater Sydney for holidays)
- Travel holidays within Greater Sydney permitted (people in Greater Sydney can only holiday in the Greater Sydney region including Central Coast, Wollongong, Shellharbour and Blue Mountains. You cannot holiday in regional LGAs).
Working from home
- An employer must allow an employee who is a fully vaccinated person to work at the employee’s place of residence if it is reasonably practicable to do so.
- An employer must require an employee who is not a fully vaccinated person to work at the employee’s place of residence unless it is not reasonably practicable to do so.
- An employee who is not a fully vaccinated person must not work at a place other than the employee’s place of residence unless it is not reasonably practicable to work at the place of residence.
- Regional staff working in a workplace are able to work with 1 vaccination and a confirmed booking for the second until 1 November (announced 7 October 2021 so advise more thorough research)
Stage 2 – 80% double dose vaccination:
No Public Health Order available yet. Specific conditions and settings yet to be released.
Expected date: late October 2021
The following freedoms will apply only to fully vaccinated adults (16+) and those with medical exemptions (staff and patrons):
- Information and education facilities (including libraries, galleries and museums) can operate with one person per 4 sqm
- Unrestricted trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW will be permitted
- Masks will remain mandatory for all indoor premises and settings (except for offices), and not including children under 12 and those with a medical exemption
- No distance limits for travel
- Travel holidays between Greater Sydney including Central Coast, Wollongong, Shellharbour, Blue Mountains and Regional NSW permitted (not permitted for people who are not fully vaccinated)
Working from home
- Employers allow staff to continue to work from home, if reasonably practicable
- Employers require staff who are not fully vaccinated to work from home, if reasonably practicable
Stage 3 – 1 December 2021
No Public Health Order is available yet, with specific conditions and settings yet to be released.
These settings will apply to all citizens, regardless of vaccination status:
- Density will shift to one person per 2 sqm for indoor and outdoor settings
- No limit on the number of people who can attend informal outdoor gatherings
- Museums, galleries and libraries can operate with one person per 2sqm
- Unrestricted trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW will be permitted
- Masks mandatory on public transport, planes, airports and for front of house hospitality workers
While the 1 December 2021 stage identifies that unvaccinated people may have access to cultural facilities (among others), some cultural organisations are indicating they may still only allow vaccinated visitors and contractors onsite.
As such, you will need to think about staff who travel to other facilities for work, and if they are required to be vaccinated to carry out their role. More clarity on this should be known after 1 December 2021, with greater awareness of which organisations may continue limiting entry to vaccinated visitors and contractors. Information on vaccination of your staff and customers
Programs for young people and the aged:
- If you conduct programs onsite at educational or aged care facilities, the staff or contractors working on those sites will need to be vaccinated as a condition of entry.
- For programs conducted within the institution for young people and the aged, consider the risks associated with this for all participants.
- Consult with community partners such as schools and aged care facilities to discuss their expectations.
- Risk assessment for community and workplace settings is a useful tool to determine risks associated with close contact of vaccinated and non-vaccinated people.
General vaccination of staff
Regarding more general mandating of your staff to be vaccinated, there is a lot to be considered, staff need to be consulted, with final decisions made on a case by case basis.
It should be noted that most employers will not need to make vaccination mandatory to comply with the model WHS laws.
Below is a list of issues and links to consider in regards to managing vaccination for staff and volunteers.
- Fair Work Ombudsman: COVID-19 vaccinations: workplace rights and obligations
- Fair Work Ombudsman: Can an employer require an employee to be vaccinated?
- Safe Work Australia: Vaccination and my WHS duties
- Justice Connect: Managing vaccines in the workplace
- Justice Connect: Can you require an employee to get vaccinated?
- Fair Work Ombudsman: Lawful and reasonable directions to get vaccinated
- Justice Connect: What can you do if an employee refuses to get vaccinated?
- Justice Connect: Volunteers and COVID-19
The Arts Law Centre is unable to provide workplace information regarding vaccination of staff but can provide private referrals if requested.
- Have you considered delaying reopening if it is in the best interest of your organisation?
- Have you considered delaying programs and events until you are confident in your reopening strategy?
- Have you considered your staffing arrangements, including who is eligible to work onsite?
- Have you updated your COVID plans and communicated this with staff, volunteers and governing body (such as council authority) if relevant? There are specific templates for museums and galleries under ‘Information and educational facilities.’
- Have you calculated how many people are able to be in spaces within your building, with relevant signage in place?
- Have you updated any new COVID-19 posters and print resources?
- Do you have your QR Code check in signage in place? (this will be linked to visitor’s vaccination status). Vaccination compliance and obligations and Proof of vaccination
- Have you briefed your front of house staff/volunteers on the check in arrangements?
- Are you prepared for If your business becomes an exposure site?
Webinar – Roadmap to Reopening
On 14 October, 2021, Museums & Galleries of NSW hosted an information session webinar with Dr Bec Dean, Acting A/ Senior Manager, Policy & Partnerships and Project Awake, from Create NSW, focusing on current information available to help museums, galleries and Aboriginal keeping places prepare for reopening. It also included a Q&A with attendees.
NSW Government – Posters and signage
This toolkit includes a selection of artwork that can be printed professionally, or by using your own printer.
The Art Gallery of NSW has kindly made an assortment of printable signage available for you to download and use in your venue.
Accessing Digital Certificate and checking vaccination status
QR code advice for people who are blind or have low vision
Easing Restrictions and Increasing Responsibility Webinar
On 21 October, NAVA partnered with the Art Gallery of NSW and Create NSW to host a free webinar to support individuals and organisations as the sector prepares to open up. Emily Crocker, Head of Government and Corporate Planning at the Art Gallery of NSW presented AGNSW’s experience and shared tips on:
- Communicating vaccination and mask mandates to audiences
- De-escalation techniques and dealing with customers/visitors in the space
- Risk mitigation and preparing for escalated situations
- Planning for the future.
Download the COVID-Safe Reopening Presentation by AGNSW (2.1 MB)