Koji Ryui, _HAVE A NICE DAY_, 2014, unfired clay, polyethylene bag, dimensions variable. Image courtesy the artist and Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney. _Soft Core_, curated by Micheal Do.
Coming up next month is our annual ArtChat event, held in partnership with Regional and Public Galleries of NSW. The evening will explore imaginative ideas in a fast-paced, invigorating and sometimes humorous format, providing a snapshot of the exciting curatorial projects proposed by today’s creative thinkers.
We’ve lined up some exciting established and emerging independent curators who are all working with contemporary practice across the visual arts, craft and design, time-based and experimental arts, including Micheal Do. Based in Western Sydney, Micheal’s curatorial focus lies in developing thematic and immersive exhibitions that considers current research and artistic practices within contemporary contexts.
Micheal is currently developing the exhibition, Soft Core in conjunction with Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre. The exhibition will present artistic practices that explore the many facets of ‘softness’ and will be toured by Museums & Galleries of NSW. He is also working on 5X5, a survey exhibition of five artistic collector relationships for Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers Bequest.
His recent projects include RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW at Penrith Regional Gallery and Solid State at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, both in 2015. When Micheal is not working on his independent curatorial practice, he is also the Producer of Creative Programs at The Red Room Company, an organisation focused on the creation and commissioning of new poetry.
Micheal is fortunate enough to be currently participating in 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art’s 2016 Curators’ Intensive, an initiative developed to encourage professional advancement amongst early career Australian cultural practitioners with an interest in curatorial practice.
To hear Micheal talk about his upcoming projects in person, make sure you reserve your spot at Freda’s Bar for ArtChat 2016 on Monday 25 July via Eventbrite.
To find out what other great speakers we’ve got in store that night, visit the event page.