Evans Head Living Museum

The Evans Head Living Museum is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers who are involved in the collection, identification and interpretation of the rich human and natural resources which make up the history and development of Evans Head, Woodburn, Broadwater and Coraki areas.

The Museum focuses on seven major themes:

World War II including the State Heritage Listed Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome and Official War Graves Cemetery;

Aboriginal History and Culture including the 368ha Crown Land Dirawong Reserve and Iron Gates area adjacent to the Evans River Estuary;

Natural Environment and its conservation;

Agriculture, including the sugar cane and honey industries;

Sport, particularly professional sculling and surfing;

Fishing and Prawning with connection to the development of the Sydney Fish Markets and world-wide influences for fishing techniques and technology;

Mining, both gold and mineral sands.

The Museum holds regular exhibitions and reunions around its seven major themes with particular attention to World War I and II history and the Fishing & Prawning industry, and has ongoing displays of materials pertinent to these themes.

The Museum encourages research into the history of the area and is moving to make some its collection available online for the public.

Contact & Visit

Evans Head Living Museum
15 Kirkland Court
Evans Head

(02) 6682 6410

Email Us

Visit our website

Entry Fees

Individual $3.00, Family $5.00

Opening Hours

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
10:00 am to 1:00 pm