Camden Museum

Situated in the centre of Camden’s historic precinct the Museum features displays highlighting the local Aboriginal community, the Macarthur family, agricultural industries, the Nepean River and its place in the community and women’s history.

The collection is particularly strong in photography, archives and over 4000 objects. Most of the objects have been donated by local residents. The Museum has an active education program and school visits are encouraged.

Camden Museum was established in the former School of Arts and Municipal Council building in 1970 and is operated by the Camden Historical Society. There is an effective partnership between the Camden Library Service, the Camden Area Family History Society and the Camden Historical Society, making shared use of the site. Entry to the Museum is free but donations are welcome.

Newspaper clippings, letters, memorabilia, photographs, maps, oral histories and ephemera.

Contains books and reference material relevant to the local area.


Newspaper clippings, letters, memorabilia, photographs, maps, oral histories and ephemera.


Contains reference material relevant to the local area.

Contact & Visit

Camden Museum
40 John Street

(02) 4655 3400

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Entry Fees

General admission free

Opening Hours

Sunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

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