Next Monday at Newcastle City Hall, Felicity Biggins will convene a public meeting to discuss the recent dismissal of Gallery staff and the alleged mishandling of funds in purchasing a Brett Whiteley sculpture.
The meeting will provide a forum for the community to express their support of the dismissed staff; to reject the planned restructure of Newcastle’s cultural institutions, and to request Newcastle City Council maintain leadership positions and operation of its cultural institutions at a professional level.
The meeting convenors will provide an accurate outline of the purchase of the Whiteley sculpture gift and offer an expression of appreciation to Wendy Whiteley for her generosity in gifting this major artwork to the city. They will call for support of a submission to the Australian Tax Office and Federal Ministry for the Arts requesting a determination on the tax deductibility status of the Whiteley gift.
Michael Rolfe, Museums and Galleries NSW CEO, has been invited to address the meeting as an advocate for the strategic development and ongoing support of cultural institutions across regional NSW.
All welcome: 7.00 pm Monday March 24 in the Hunter Room, Newcastle City Hall.
For further information contact:
- Bruce Wilson
- 0403 201 571
- 49632708