NSW Gould League of Bird Lovers was founded in 1910. Initially membership was considered to be for life
and until 1931 child members received a large printed certificate. From 1931 to 1967 an annual certificate
was issued. From 1933 adults could buy a Life Member’s badge in sterling silver and a similar Honorary Life
Member badge was made in gold and inscribed on the reverse with the members name and the year it was
The League began issuing annual membership badges from 1927 until 1978. Each year a different native
Australian bird was beautifully depicted on the badge. Some of these birds are now endangered and rare
and others have had name changes. In 1967 the League amalgamated with the NSW Junior Tree Wardens
League and dropped ‘bird lovers’ from its name to broaden its aims of conservation and to focus on
environmental education. Annual badges continued to be issued by the merged organisation until 1978
though other animals and themes were depicted on the badges to represent the Leagues broader
objectives. Undated badged continued until the mid-1980s.
As the early badges before 1935 were undated determining the correct year the badge was issued was until
recently unconfirmed. Collectors would add to the mystery by referring to information handed down over
the years. This information was always limited as the number of collectors in the very early years was
almost nonexistent.
Researcher and collector Nick Pezikian is currently trying to determine the correct sequence the undated membership badges of the Gould League were issued.
Working with the State Library of NSW he is hoping to ensure their badge collection is properly catalogued in chronological order.
If you have any further information about Gould badges in your collections please contact Nick Pezikian on 0419 227 758 or nickshobbies@yahoo.com