IMAGinE awards night 2014
When: Friday 14 November 2014, 6.00pm
Where: 107 Projects, Redfern Street
Cost: $55 Full price or $40 concession (volunteers, students and seniors)
1. EAT
Avocado and lemon, radicchio and goats’ cheese on rye. Yum. Spiced beef, tomato relish, baby spinach and cornichon on brioche. Yum. Come to IMAGinE and we’ll tell you what a ‘cornichon’ is!

Image: Dan Perry via Flickr.
It’s the end of the year; you’ve done a great job and deserve a drink. The bar is open from 6 till 9 offering a free selection of rollicking beers, frantic fizzies, wonderful wines, and juice for drivers. We’re wondering why this isn’t the first reason?

Image: Scott S via Flickr.
We barely get a chance to see each other unless we’re being ‘professionally developed’! This is your chance to meet each other without having to be strategic, without grant acquittal forms, and without all those ‘engaged’ stakeholders. Come along: talk, listen, laugh, cry, and hug appropriately.

Image: RobBoudon via Flickr.
4. WIN
Winners are grinners. Winners receive a highly coveted Jam Factory trophy and get to bask in the glow of commendation from your peers. When you return home in triumph the local media will be buzzing around you like Kate Middleton with morning sickness.

Image: Mr. Greenjeans via Flickr.
When you play IMAGinE you either win or you die. No wait, that’s some other game …
Even if you’re a loser, you’ve still won – you’ve caught up with friends, imagined new ideas, checked out 107 Projects, eaten, imbibed and hugged appropriately, and been given a booklet to take home.

Image: Grumpy Cat.
If that’s not enough to get you to come...
Before the evening event you can attend the annual
Presented by the Powerhouse Museum in partnership with M&G NSW, the forum gives you a chance to find out the latest issues and opportunities defining the regional heritage sector.
Friday 14 November 2014, 9.00 am – 4.00 pm,
Target Theatre, Powerhouse Museum
Admission is free, including complimentary morning/afternoon tea and a light lunch. Delicious, even more food.
Bookings essential at:
Have we convinced you?
Yes? Download Registration Form IMAGinE 2014 (688.0 KB)
No? (link to a page with ‘5 more reasons to come’)