Arts and cultural infrastructure projects across regional NSW will benefit from a share of the $47 million funding recently announced through round two of the Regional Cultural Fund.
Funds have been awarded to 56 regional cultural infrastructure projects, including support for museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural centres.
Administered by Create NSW, the Regional Cultural Fund falls under the NSW Government’s $1.6 billion Regional Growth Fund that aims to improve economic growth and productivity, and community amenity, with investment in regional communities.
Executive Director, Create Infrastructure, Craig Limkin said a small, dedicated team within Create NSW had worked tirelessly with regional arts and culture organisations to encourage and support them through the funding application process.
“Strategic investment in arts, screen, culture and heritage adds vitality to local communities, provides artists with new opportunities to showcase innovative and quality works and allow visitors to experience a diverse range of arts and activities while generating social, economic and tourism benefits across the state,” Mr Limkin said.
“By improving and supporting local art galleries, museums, theatres, conservatoriums, cultural precincts and libraries we are helping towns and cities across regional NSW become increasingly vibrant places to live, study, work and play.”
Full list of recipients:
Air Conditioning and Theatre Upgrade – School of Arts Tenterfield ($72,000)
The Tenterfield Sir Henry Parkes Memorial School of Arts will employ funding to install air-conditioning and insulation in this iconic 1875 building. The modernised and improved climate-controlled conditions in the building will make hosting travelling exhibitions easier and support expanded theatre offerings.
Animating the Space ($53,650)
RCF funding will enable the Narrandera Library, in collaboration with its community, to create a dedicated youth area that features flexible furnishings and a range of technology. The space will entertain, educate and excite visitors by creating new opportunities to imagine and explore.
Art Van Go – Mobile Cultural Programs ($46,397)
Richmond Valley Council and the Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library aim to provide mobile cultural outreach services to isolated rural areas in in the region. RCF funds will go to purchasing and branding a van to bring cultural activities to the six small towns of the Richmond Valley.
Bishop’s Lodge Exhibition ($10,685)
Supported by Hay Shire Council and the Hay museum community RCF funds will make it possible to install and display objects and interpretative panels from the Bishop’s Lodge Historic House and Garden collection, in the Riverina-Murray region.
Bourke Aboriginal Art and Culture Centre ($665,019)
RCF funding will enable the Muda Aboriginal Corporation to purchase and fit out buildings for the Bourke Aboriginal Artists workshop and sales outlet. New facilities will foster growth among a vibrant group of local indigenous artists who have established themselves within the art and tourism industry. The funds will also better safeguard the production and sale of artworks that is fundamental to the group’s ongoing success.
Brunswick Picture House Upgrades ($627,000)
Located the Northern Rivers region the Brunswick Picture House is a classic coastal construction, originally built in 1952. After extensive renovation and some refurbishment, the venue was re-opened in 2016. RCF funding will enable a major upgrade of the venue, including a new office, backstage area, seating, air conditioning, solar systems and toilet facilities with disabled access.
Casino Civic Hall Revitalisation ($208,172)
RCF funding will enable a project to upgrade stage flooring, increase seating/capacity, improve storage, interior painting and refurbishment of the art deco appearance will revitalise Casino’s Civic Hall is. Funding will also enable development of a Cultural Revitalisation Plan for prioritising future works in a heritage-appropriate style.
Central Tablelands Collection Facility ($2,300,000)
This large, new purpose-built collection facility in Bathurst will accommodate valuable and fragile collections, archives and other significant cultural items. It will also provide much needed storage, along with collection management services including cataloguing, preventative and material conservation treatment, curatorial inspection of collections, digitisation, a virtual classroom and onsite learning facilities.
Completed, Connected & Accessible Arts & Culture Hub ($500,000)
RCF funding will go toward improving the Queanbeyan-Palerang region’s Q Centre for Performing Arts and Bicentennial Hall. The project will see the two adjacent arts and cultural spaces made complete, connected and more accessible. Refurbishment of the mezzanine floor of the Bicentennial Hall will provide a truly multipurpose venue.
Construction of New Toilet Facility with Disabled access Cooma Cottage ($40,000)
Vital funds are going to upgrading the amenities for people with disability at Cooma Cottage, ensuring the heritage cottage and grounds accessible venue to the entire community.
Creative Common – Arts and Culture Development Hub ($89,389)
Creating a focus for cultural, social and regional economic development the Creative Common project will see renovation of an underutilised council building in Deniliquin and installation of a solar power system. Among its aims are improving accessibility; functionality and greater use of the heritage site. The project will deliver to arts and cultural organisations spaces for workshops, meetings and creative enterprise for youth and others. With co-location with key regional development organisations it is hoped the new creative hub will help promote and embed arts and cultural capacity in regional development.
Critical Infrastructure Replacement: Building for the Future ($1,345,711)
This project will assist the volunteer-run Lady Denman Heritage Complex in Huskisson to replace and enhance essential infrastructure to create a museum that can also be a cultural hub and gathering place for the region’s community and visitors.
Deriah Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Area Access ($249,000)
The Deriah Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Area Access Road upgrade will improve access to an important heritage and cultural site and increase safety. The road is the only access to the Deriah Aboriginal Area, which holds important cultural significance to the Gamilaraay People.
Dexter Horizontal Windmill Reconstruction ($178,418)
The 7.2m high Dexter Horizontal Windmill was imported to Australia before 1883. Federation Council will use working components, rescued and reserved by the local Historical Society and restored by engineers, to reinstate the rare historic windmill in Urana.
Extension of Nambucca Heads Library and Activation of Cultural Space ($1,500,000)
This project provides for an extension of the Nambucca Heads Library and Cultural Precinct. The extension will almost double the size of the library space and allow for storage on the below ground level, lift access, staff room, and work room for repair and maintain the extensive collection.
Enhance Arts and Cultural Hall at Nevertire ($48,509)
The revitalisation of the Nevertire Hall in Warren will enable the historic hall to continue to serve the arts and cultural requirements of the community. The refurbishment includes painting, installation of an energy efficient heating and cooling system, along with improvements for safety and comfort.
Fairbridge Children’s Farm Park ($500,000)
RCF funding will go toward establishing a heritage education point relating to the 1000 British child migrants sent to Fairbridge Farm, Molong. Through interpretive walks and linked online information, the space will provide visitors and locals with an understanding of the children’s journey to Molong and their lives at the farm.
Gilgandra Cultural Precinct Refresh & Upgrade Project ($1,551,799)
This project will see a revitalisation of spaces within the Gilgandra Cultural Precinct and an extension to the Coo-ee Heritage Centre, offering modern and interactive community space for recreation, learning and cultural expression.
Gilgandra Shire Library Extension Stage 2 ($466,903)
RCF funding will help the Gilgandra Library complete its extensions with an architecturally-designed indoor/outdoor space for creative workshops for people of all ages. The library will also gain a small meeting room, accessible bathroom and store room. To complete the indoor/outdoor cultural space, an accessible ramp, covered walkway and garden space will be installed.
Glasshouse Studio Performance Space Seating Upgrade ($127,828)
The Glasshouse in Port Macquarie will expand and diversify its cultural programming by revitalising the Studio with a new seating system. The project will allow the studio to increase utilisation and capacity of the studio performance space, improve accessibility to for audiences and increase its flexibility to cater for a broader range of performing genres.
Great Cobar Heritage Centre Exhibition Upgrade ($398,188)
The exhibitions of the Great Cobar Heritage centre will be given their first refurbishment in 30 years, allowing the Centre to tell the stories of Cobar and its people through to the present day. New displays will feature diverse themes and conform to excellent modern museum standards.
Grenfell Community Arts Centre Refurbishment ($220,000)
The old c1920’s Grenfell Public School building is used by Grenfell Dramatic Society Inc. and Grenfell Arts and Crafts Group to foster the arts in Grenfell. This project will allow the repair, restoration, repainting and preservation of the facility’s nine rooms and hall.
Gunnedah Rainbow Serpent Water Feature Project ($155,725)
The Gunnedah Rainbow Serpent Water Feature Project will deliver a large seating area in a shape and design that symbolises and pays respect to the traditional Kamilaroi story of the Rainbow Serpent. The water feature will be located in front of Gunnedah’s Cultural Precinct.
Guyra Historical Museum fit-out ($60,346)
A recently-renovated Guyra Historical Museum will be fitted-out to provide a safe and protected space for valuable museum collection items, including: new display cases; UV protector film and blinds for all windows; hanging tracks; and security cameras, back to base alarm and monitoring system.
Hall to Hub, Arts Evolution, Bellingen ($3,303,000)
The Bellingen Memorial Hall is seeking to broaden arts and culture events and performances at the venue with development of more lighting, stage and performance spaces. The project will encompass new amenities, change rooms, performance spaces, a kitchen, supper room and meetings rooms while also expanding and improving accessibility.
Industry-standard climate control system for Shoalhaven Regional Gallery ($600,000)
Shoalhaven Regional Gallery, Nowra has received RCF funding to upgrade and support the installation of a new climate control system. This is required to reduce current issues experienced with a poorly performing system.
Jindabyne Community Library and Innovation Hub ($3,000,000)
Snowy – Monaro Council and Schools Infrastructure are developing a major joint-use facility with Jindabyne Central School. The facility will provide a joint-use library service, innovation space, meeting rooms and a presentation space.
Keeping History Covered – Re-Roofing Urana Court House Museum ($38,000)
With the Urana Court House Museum’s roof in desperate need for replacement, this project will upgrade and enhancing existing infrastructure to preserve historical items held for display at the museum. Built in 1879 and designed by James Barnet, the Colonial Architect, the museum is now proudly used to display historical items enjoyed for educational purposes and by residents and visitors.
Lennox Head Cultural and Community Centre Enhancements ($1,833,502)
RCF funding will go to improvements to the Lennox Head Cultural and Community Centre’s roofing and structural linings as well as air condoning and a ventilation system in the Park Lane Theatre. These works will greatly improve the experience for performing artists and growing audiences alike.
Mackay Park Arts and Cultural Centre ($8,000,000)
The Mackay Park Arts and Cultural Centre in Batemans Bay will be a purpose-built exhibition, workshop, rehearsal and performance centre and storage space that will service the region’s art, theatre and dance groups as well as the broader community. The facility will have a flexible auditorium with retractable seating for 500 people; rehearsal and dressing rooms, green room and exhibition space and storage. The site will also play an important role as the gateway into focal new recreation, community and tourism precinct for the town.
Mid-Western Regional Gallery and Cultural Centre ($2,300,000)
Funding will assist the construction and fit out of a new Mid-Western Regional Gallery and Cultural Centre in Mudgee. The new Gallery and Centre will include permanent and temporary exhibition spaces, a tourism office, regional gift shop, book shop, art store, sculpture garden, café, seminar/conference space and artist in residence space.
Myall Creek Cultural Precinct landscaping and outdoor cultural infrastructure ($1,066,981)
Funding is going to a cultural centre associated with the national and state heritage listed Myall Creek Memorial. Works will provide a culturally-appropriate outdoor performance space and meeting place for dance, drama and storytelling.
New Fireproof Archive Room for Land of the Beardies History House Museum ($9,437)
The Glen Innes & District Historical Society has accumulated an extensive and ever-expanding collection of valuable district records, documents, photographs and other significant historical and cultural items. An additional secure and fireproof archive room will ensure the museum collection is protected for enjoyment by future generations.
New Gallery Extension to Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour ($2,697,778)
Funding will go to a new second floor gallery to be home to a permanent exhibition utilising hi-tech presentation devices and showing the history of Australia from 1900 to today, as seen through the eyes of the cartoonists of the time.
New Studio Theatre Sound and Screen ($50,965)
The Taree Film Society is relocating to the Manning Entertainment Centre and use funding to upgrade equipment, including purchase and installation of a new surround-sound system and retracting screen.
Northern Rivers Performing Arts Centre ($1,116,625)
Lismore City Hall will become the premier performing arts centre in the Northern Rivers with a new fit-out and re-brand as Northern Rivers Performing Arts. The refurbishment will encompass new theatre lighting, sound equipment and exterior lighting.
Permanent, re-usable, exhibition infrastructure for Museum of Printing ($7,736)
Black Gully Printmakers is a not-for-profit community group keeping the Museum of Printing at New England Regional Art Museum open to the public on a volunteer basis. Funding will permit the creation of a permanent, yet portable exhibition system consisting of twenty-five adjustable and re-usable matching wooden exhibition frames of varying sizes; a hanging system, and a variety of matts and a matt cutter.
Port Macquarie Museum Upgrade, Master Plan and Schematic Design ($113,965)
The Port Macquarie Historical Society will use funding to prepare a master plan, business case and schematic design for the upgrade of access to the Port Macquarie Museum and storage of its significant collection.
Refining Condobolin Museum to Embrace the Visitor Economy ($49,990)
The Condobolin and District Museum is prominently located in the town’s main street. RCF funding will allow the Historical Society to improve the museum’s offerings with new display cases and interpretation. The works will enable improved visitor management and provide a secure environment for volunteers staffing the centre.
Refurbishment of Comboyne Historical and Cultural Museum ($114,750)
Comboyne Community Association will put RCF funds toward farm house restoration and secure storage for the community’s historical collection showcasing early timber and dairy farming industries. The site will also provide an attractive landscaped garden, picnic area, parking facilities, men’s shed, Artist in Residence program, and school & community programs.
Robertson School of Arts Refurbishment ($99,490)
The Robertson School of Arts will use funding to refurbish and revitalise its 134-year-old Hall and ensure its continued use by the people of Robertson, the Robertson Public School and the School of Arts.
Roxy Theatre Redevelopment ($3,945,000)
Funding is going to refurbishment of Leeton’s State Heritage-Listed and Art Deco-designed Roxy Theatre. The project will increase functional space and improve access and safety for a more fit for purpose building.
Shear Outback Solar Panel Project ($103,481)
Vital funds will enable installation of solar power at the Shear Outback Museum in Hay, reducing operational costs and ensuring the museum and its café remain financially sustainable.
Singleton Arts & Culture Centre ($2,787,00)
A new Arts & Culture Centre at Townhead Park in Singleton will be created, featuring a large exhibition space, two artists’ workshops, a media area, large decking areas providing connectivity to the Visitor Information Centre and café and a carpark to accommodate additional visitors.
Southern Highlands Regional Gallery ($2,490,000)
RCF funding is going toward development of The Southern Highlands Regional Gallery, in Bowral that will be situated on a property bequeathed to the National Trust by the late James Fairfax AC. Funding will permit the design, adaptive reuse and fit-out of the several spaces into a state-of-the-art regional gallery.
Spacemaking: Evolving Nabiac Library facilities ($58,449)
Refurbishment of the Nabiac Library will increase capacity and accessibility, with new shelving, carpet, painting and installation of a range of new relaxation, study and event furniture.
Tenterfield Centenary Cottage renovation ($28,866)
The Tenterfield and Districts Historical society will undertake urgent repairs to the main museum building. The 1871 era building will be repaired, new exhibits built and establish disabled access established.
The Library has left the building – connecting our communities ($136,470)
A new vehicle will replace the existing Port Macquarie community library van to offer a more flexible delivery mode and enable the Library to reach a wider audience and extend existing services to emerging growth areas and the Aboriginal Land Council.
The Living Arts for All – Murwillumbah Auditorium project ($1,114,000)
The Murwillumbah Auditorium will be upgraded with a new roof, new technologies, improved front and back of-house refurbishment and improved accessibility to facilities, ensuring the 1975 building complies with legislation and attracts a growing range of diverse audiences.
Two Grand Pianos for the New England Conservatorium of Music ($73,786)
The New England Conservatorium of Music in Armidale is creating a new Piano Studio and will employ its RCF for purchase of two new Grand pianos, currently on loan from the University of New England.
Upgrade of the Rochdale Theatre ($29,123)
Home to Lismore Theatre Company, the century-old, 88 seat Rochdale Theatre is being upgraded with improved air conditioning, refurbished seating and exterior painting.
Upgrade Stage Lighting Uniting Productions in Gosford ($4,000)
RCF funding will go to upgraded lighting and a new mixing desk at Uniting Productions in Gosford, allowing amateur performers to be trained in theatrical performance, production and stage-craft, greatly facilitating the development of theatrical performance on the Central Coast.
Upgrading accessibility and building infrastructure of Lawrence Museum precinct ($186,150)
The Lawrence Museum project will enhance access for visitors and volunteers. The works include asbestos removal and repainting, construction of an accessible toilet within an existing outbuilding and new paths and access ramps to link existing facilities.
Urunga Library Multi-Purpose Space ($93,023)
Bellingen Shire Council will provide an extension to the Urunga Library to create an accessible, multi-purpose meeting space for cultural activities for the NSW North Coast community. The room will be fitted out with the required technology for presentations and screenings.
Walcha Multi-Purpose Centre Upgrade ($87,744)
RCF funding will enable an upgrade and fit out of kitchen facilities at Walcha’s one community multipurpose centre, providing the community with enhanced cultural experiences and participation.
Wingham Museum Workspace and Storage Redevelopment ($45,000)
Improvements to workspace and storage facilities at Wingham Museum will include a new shed for maintenance volunteers and conversion of an existing workroom into an environmentally-controlled exhibition and storage space for sensitive materials in the museum’s collection.