Small Grants

Small Grants aim to meet the short-term, collection-based requirements of community museums and Aboriginal cultural spaces. There are no set categories for funding, and applications for a broad range of projects will be considered.

Previous Small Grants have funded the purchase of computer cataloguing software, exhibition mannequins and display cases, oral history recording equipment and archival storage items.

Small Grants are open to museums and Aboriginal cultural spaces (with object collections and displays) with up to two full time paid staff members (no more than 70 hours of paid staffing per week) as well as museum networks such as AMaGA Chapters.

Amount available: Up to $2,000

2025 Opening Dates:

Round 1:  10th February

Round 2 : 14th July

2025 Closing Dates:

Round 1:  6th April
Round 2: 7th September

Begin your application by contacting the Museums Coordinator

Alice Norwood, Museums Coordinator
Phone number: (02) 5663 2338

You must read the 2025 guidelines before applying for this grant:

Descriptions of previously awarded Smalls Grants are available below for download.









The Volunteer Museum Grant Program is a Create NSW devolved funding program, administered by Museums & Galleries of NSW (M&G NSW) on behalf of the NSW Government.