Exhibitions volunteer
Here are the 2013 nominees for Exhibitions for organisations with volunteer staff.
Please note that all of these lovely images are courtesy of the nominees.
Adelong Alive Museum
The Twelve Apostles

The Twelve Apostles is an exhibition of rock sculpture by Austrian artist Andreas Buisman sculpted from rocks collected around the world. In the words of Gabi Hollows he created “remarkable pieces of art from gnarled rocks”. The exhibition included beautiful photos of the rocks with full details of where they were found and map references.
Lithgow State Mine Heritage Park
Heritage Park Fire in the Mine

Fire in the Mine draws together the stories of coalminers from the 1920s to the 1950s to create a touching and emotional journey through an unforgettable multimedia experience. Individual stories are drawn together and told by Marion Curry, the wife of Ned Curry a wheeler employed at the Lithgow State Coal Mine from 1946. Marion’s account culminates in the tragic story of an underground fire in 1953 that took the lives of twenty seven “of the best horses a man could ever have”. You will be moved and inspired by her stories of the men who worked beneath the earth and by the sad fate of the beautiful horses.
Sutherland Shire Museum
Journey Through Time

With the professional guidance of a museum consultant, the Museum displayed the history of Sutherland Shire as a Journey Through Time. The exhibition begins with the Permian Age, progresses to Indigenous culture, the arrival of Cook, early settlers, Victorian progress, the two World Wars, and culminates with the rise of industry and commercial activity.