Stronger Together Grants

The Multicultural NSW Celebrating Diversity Grants Program invests in community projects, events and activities that foster community harmony and celebrate cultural diversity as a precious part of our identity and way of life.

There are two categories of grants under the Celebrating Diversity Grants Program:

1. Stronger Together Projects

We are stronger together when people from diverse cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds work together on projects that make a difference. Grants will support projects than can make a lasting positive impact on social cohesion at the grassroots level. Our project grants support collaborative relationships with Government and partnerships between community, non-government, educational organisations and the private sector.

Grants ranging from $20,000 to $40,000 are available for projects

Each year the NSW calendar is filled with events that celebrate our cultural diversity. Festivals and events bring communities together, showcase the benefits of cultural diversity and promote social cohesion and community harmony.

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for Celebrating Diversity: Events.

2. Stronger Together Festivals and Events

Multicultural NSW supports Festivals and Events that celebrate and embrace our state’s vibrant cultural diversity.

The grants will support multicultural and multifaith community groups to produce Festivals and Events while ensuring health and safety remains a priority.

Grants of $5,000 – $10,000 are available

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