Imagine Awards – Terms and conditions of entry

The project you are nominating must have occurred within the award period [1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023]

  • Permanent and semi-permanent projects can be nominated, but cannot be awarded an IMAGinE award more than once
  • A separate nomination form is required for each nomination.
  • All nomination and support material must be submitted electronically unless you have approval from Museums & Galleries of NSW (M&G NSW) to do otherwise. For assistance with submission please contact M&G NSW.
  • M&G NSW staff and the judging panel may move a nomination from one category to another in consultation with the nominee
  • It is within the judges’ discretion to determine not to give an award in any given category
  • The decisions of the judging panel are final and no correspondence will be entered into
  • By submitting material you grant M&G NSW unlimited permission to publish and share this material in its original or altered form. M&G NSW reserves the right to use all entries for publicity, educational purposes and reporting
  • Submitted material will be published on the M&G NSW website and social media and may be shared with 3rd parties and media for promotional purposes.
  • Please keep a copy of your nomination and support material for your own records.