Beyond The Sandstone Curtain: The Life and Loves of Regional Artists

08 Sep 2022.
Dave Doyle, Wontenella – Menindee lakes (detail) 2021, recycled metal refrigerator door, packing tape, resin, 120 cm x 60cm. Image credit: Alex Wisser. Courtesy of the artist

Exploring the joys and challenges of artists practicing in regional and remote NSW.

  • Kent Buchanan, Exhibition and Curator Officer of the Western Plains Cultural Centre
  • Barkindji artist David Doyle, Senior Aboriginal Health Practitioner RFDS
  • Michael Reid, Director Michael Reid Sydney + Berlin and Murrrundi
  • Alex Wisser, Creative Director of Cementa Inc.
  • Moderated by Amala Groom, Creative Producer of the Regional Artist Mentoring Program (RAMP)

Sydney Contemporary
Carriageworks, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW
Thursday 8 September



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