The Art School

Naomi is an experienced writer, researcher, lecturer, and program producer. Naomi specialises in developing thoughtful and engaging entry points for audiences to gain deeper and more personally rewarding relationships with contemporary art. She has an extensive background in art and education in public galleries including developing professional development programs for art educators, artists residencies and the whole gamut of educational programs including interactive lectures for the general public. Naomi regularly writes for her blog ‘How to Start a Love Affair with art’ and artist David Griggs recently said her essay on his practice was the most accurate thing ever written about his art. Naomi is available to write and lecture on contemporary art and also available to develop and run guide training programs. She is currently a doctoral researcher for Western Sydney University and Cambridge University in the UK with a focus on theorising transformational encounters in art galleries and museums.
- Researched, developed, and delivered, ‘How to start a love affair with art’, Lecture Series at the Art Gallery of New South Wales July 2022.
- Researched, developed, and delivered, ‘In the lobby: space of invitation, conversation, and open-ended associations, in the series Art Now, May 2022.
- Researched and wrote catalogue essay, ‘Kate Dorrough: the Vessel and the River’, 7 July – 12 August 2023
- Researched, developed, and wrote, Guide Training lecture for Art Gallery of New South Wales. 2022
- Developed and delivered, ‘Live at the Lounge’, weekly Membership Program of Music, Books, and Art at the Art Gallery of New South Wales Members Lounge, July – November 2022
Naomi Lee McCarthy4 Delta Row
Werrington Downs
Werrington Downs NSW
Phone: +61416077875
Year Commenced: 2014Number of Staff: 1
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: No
ABN: 40 603 510 053