Madeleine Kelman 11

Madeleine Kelman Snow has worked in the area of Arts Education and Public Programs at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Lismore Regional Gallery, Penrith Regional Gallery and consulted for a range of venues including Tweed River Art Gallery, Campbelltown Arts Centre through to Arts Organisations such as dlux MediaArts and the Arts Health Institute. She has been a Teacher Lecturer at the Art Gallery of NSW and Museum Educator at the MCA Sydney. Her experience teaching in schools, galleries and now at the Newcastle Art School Hunter TAFE make her an ideal candidate for researching, writing and producing innovative education resource material. She has recently established a pop up gallery exhibiting contemporary artists and sits on the Acquisitions committee for the Newcastle Region Art Gallery. She can be found on Twitter @artinfoink or contacted via email snowmk (at) bigpond (dot) com
2013 Developed content for the Education Resource for the Arts Health Institute Program 'Sing Out Loud'- which is an intergenerational program, led by an Arts Health Institute professional and qualified Maestro. The Education package linked to the school curriculum for creative arts, literacy, history and PDHPE.
2011 Face to Face Education Kit for dLux Media Arts
2012 Garden of Forking Paths Education Resource for dLux Media Arts
Education Resource - based on the work of artist David Rankin
2012-present Pop Up Contemporary exhibitions established
Madeleine Kelman SnowCultural Producer & Arts Education
Madeleine Kelman 11
Phone: 0428 855 695
Staff Basis: Sole OperatorAICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: Yes