Gregory Kenny

Gregory Kenny has significant knowledge and experience in the arts and cultural sector with a career at Arts NSW spanning 30 years and numerous lead roles. He also has unique expertise in government policy development, structures and processes at senior levels. He has a flexible and adaptable skills set to tackle the challenges at hand delivered at the highest standards of professionalism.
Create NSW, membership of Peer Register, assessment of Artist Quick Response grant applications - September, October 2017
Creative Victoria, editing of history of Meeting of Cultural Ministers, Statistics Working Group - September 2017 Sue Boaden, Cultural Planner, research of ABS Census data for Waterloo NSW Cultural Plan - July 2017
State Library of NSW - Public Libraries & Engagement division, SLNSW Foundation - development of policy for the administration of gifts - February 2017
State Library of NSW - Public Libraries & Engagement division - Policies review and integration project - May 2016
Gregory KennyPrincipal
Gregory Kenny
Phone: 0413300758
Year Commenced: 2015Number of Staff: 1
Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: Yes
ABN: 92807995364