Dr Nicholas Hardwick FSA

I am an expert in classical antiquities, archaeology, including ancient Greek and Roman coinage, Greek vase painting and antiquities in paintings. I have undertaken research and publication for academic and popular audiences.
As an antiquities curator, I have conducted curatorial work and exhibition curation. I am presently Curatorial Director, Toula Museum of Australia Inc. (Lebanese village culture and Lebanon in antiquity). I have undertaken curatorial work at the Nicholson Museum (now the Nicholson Collection, Chau Chak Wing Museum) (The University of Sydney), The Australian Institute of Archaeology, Melbourne, and the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney.
I have conceived and led public art walks of Sydney for Sydney Living Museums (Historic Houses Trust of NSW).
I have undertaken public lectures, undergraduate lectures, continuing education teaching, and research supervision.
I have been an editor of academic and popular publications.
I have been a conference convenor and I have administrative skills as a committee member and treasurer.
Curatorial Director, Toula Museum of Australia Inc., since 2009.
Guest Editor, ‘Coinage from Japan to the Mediterranean, International Numismatic Conference’, The Journal of The Oriental Society of Australia (JOSA) 45 (2013).
Website: rp-www.arts.usyd.edu.au/arts/publications/JOSA/Numismatic.htm
‘The greek style mural at the Peggy Glanville-Hicks Composers’ House’, Peggy Granville-Hicks Composers’ House website (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cc79b209d41492bd7a3135c/t/5d64abcb1010700001adffbf/1566878676398/PGHMuralHardwick), Sydney, 2013.
‘Ancient Jewish coins in the work of William Holman Hunt’, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 150, Issue 1261 (April 2008), pp. 252-5, figs 49-60.
Assistant Curator of Numismatics, Nicholson Museum (now the Nicholson Collection, Chau Chak Wing Museum), The University of Sydney, 2003-4.
Antiquities Curator and Museum DirectorPO BOX 544
Newtown NSW
Phone: 0450 117 629
Year Commenced: 1998Number of Staff: 1
Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: No
ABN: 28 014 824 144